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About Blaze

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 07/05/1999

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  1. Blind man with his guide dog walks into a shop...once in the shop the blind man starts swinging the dog arround above his head by the lead...the shop keeper says "what the f**k are you doing?"...blind man replies "don't mind me I'm just having a look arround"
  2. Can you send the samples to fit and fertile or do you have to take the dog?
  3. Snappeer who is Donny???...these dogs need to be returned
  4. Blaze

    Only Fools

    Friday the 14th is a belter!
  5. Blaze


    The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ??Im talking about the inoccence of war/conflict.Not hamarse. The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ??We'll then that's that then kill them all... just like the whole of Northern Ireland should have be
  6. Blaze


    The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ??Im talking about the inoccence of war/conflict. Not hamarse. The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ??We'll then that's that then kill them all... just like the whole of Northern Ireland should have b
  7. Blaze


    The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ?? Im talking about the inoccence of war/conflict. Not hamarse. The Gaza where they indiscriminately fire improvised rockets from the roofs of schools and hospitals at civilians? The Gaza where they dig tunnels so that suicide bombers can covertly cross the border ? That Gaza ?? We'll then that's that then kill them all... just like the whole of Northern Ireland should ha
  8. How do people rate the deerhunter tempest smock?
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