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About spynappels

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Hadn't thought of the breathing thing, but when I looked through the scope and took some deep breaths, it was amazing how much the reticule moved. Breathing out about half way ssems to work for me, but now I need to take the shot more quickly so I can breathe again. Just need to practise, practise, practise.
  2. Yeah, the 1" group at 40yds brigade was beginning to make me feel inadequate too. Practise is helping a little, I guess there just is no short cut....
  3. A mate of mine in Banbridge found a trap on his land, without his permission, so he called the cops and they brought a vet. There was a badger caught in it, and the cops reckoned they were after badgers for dog fighting. The police hung around, and funny enough, a little while later someone came down the yard and headed straight for where the trap was. When the cops challenged him, he said he'd dropped his phone and was looking for it. This person had permission to shoot pigeons, but nothing else. My mate reckons he will be installing CCTV around his yard to deter intruders doing what they are
  4. Hi Guys, Having just got a Cometa 300N, I find that I have trouble keeping the scope dead on the target. Any slight trembles or movement mean the crosshairs fly all over the place. As it is a springer, I know I cannot just lean the forend of the rifle on something, but I have found that steadying myself against something does help. Over open sights, I've accounted for a few pigeons which were roosting in a barn at a mate's house, but that was at fairly close range (20yds max). I'm using a Hawke 6 x 40 MAP scope and its zeroed (as best I can) for 35yds. I've shot PCPs which are a lo
  5. Not always an option if you are doing pest control for a farmer who wants all rabbits gone....
  6. I'm just waiting for my Cometa 300 Nickel to be put on my FAC, will be using it for plinking and short range stuff. Will let you know how it goes when the paperwork comes through.
  7. It might pay you to check if they have the rifle you want in stock BEFORE you part with credit card details. You will have to get the rifle sent to an RFD if you order over the phone.
  8. Hi Wabbithunter, You will have to apply for a Fire Arms Certificate. Any gun shop will be able to give you an application pack and a letter stating you are going to buy an air rifle from them. You will need to show you have land to shoot over and provide referees. I am just applying for my FAC now and have been told it could well take 4 - 6 months to come through. Hope this helps. Stefan.
  9. Gamo don't seem to have that good a rep though.......... More thinking time needed methinks.....
  10. Hi, I'm looking for information and general views of the Kral/Midland Gun Co Demon Underlever in .22. I just want to see if it is a good budget starter gun but getting one sent over here to NI on sale or approval is tricky as I'd need to buy it and then send off the paperwork to get it added to the FAC while the gun is in storage with the RFD. A lot of hassle for me and for the RFD if it is not much good...... Bloody NI Firearms laws!! Any information would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Stefan.
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