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Everything posted by lampingking

  1. it is a 22 and i am located in burnley. lancashire. i will post
  2. air arms s200 mk2 , mint condition comes with: hawk sport HD scopes , ts gun bag , AA siolencer , 10 shot rotatory mag system , three spare mags, quick fill filling adaptor and some pellets. £260 ono... thanks
  3. Keep us posted how you get on...... ok will do.
  4. It may take me wee while, but i will have a dig around on my old hard drive and see if i can find my write up of how i made mine for the S310, if that'll help? If you're interested, there are a few pics in my signature, (and also some more in my gallery - in my profile) hopefully they will give you a rough idea as to how things will go for you? Cheers, Grim that would be great pall
  5. do any of you people know where i can get a step by step to make my own custom gun stock.thanks
  6. ask the head green keeper or send him a letter...
  7. some nice fish here people...keep them coming
  8. i am going to apply for my FAC next week . i will be using it for vermin controle ... ie, close range fox,rabbits any range do you have any advice to ive me a better chance of getting my FAC... thanks
  9. enduro riding and trials ridong(motor bikes)
  10. i agree i hate it when people put things for sale and do that!!!!!!!!!!! MESSER
  11. send me £25 with the nets and you could be the proud owner of a cb radio right chaps theres 54 purse nets mixture of hemp and nylon and a brandnew nylon gate net so open to offers thankspm if you wish im in cheshire will you take £35 for the lot... i will pay postage.thanks mate
  12. any pics mate i am realy intreested in the gun.thanks
  13. thanks for all the advice people... thanks Don`t get so down hearted for a start. All is not lost. As i said before, only your firearms bureau will say yes you can have a FAC. Why don`t you contact your forces bureau and get the relevant application forms and send them in. Then and only then will you find out where you stand. Bear in mind though, your mate is a non FAC holder so he is a no no. (Is that correct SS??) They would probably let you have a .22 but not a 22-250 or a 243. Honestly mate, listen to what SS and co say. I, and they (i`m sure) would like to see you gain your FAC, yo
  14. they can go up to 80flbs.thanks lads.what else is there?
  15. thanks people ... any more good FAC air rifles
  16. true ...i was just wondering what is thee best FAC air rifle? My humble opinion is a Theoben S Type at 40 flbs, but then I am slightly biased as I have one, groups sub 1" at 60 yards and straight through a bunnie's head. However, any of the rapid 7 's are worth a look at. The trouble with FAC air is as mentioned above they can, if you are buying new be about 3 times the cost of a rimfire sound advice..............theoban all the way (for reliabilaty) in my opinion. regards sean what about a AA s410 or a AA s410 TDR
  17. true ...i was just wondering what is thee best FAC air rifle?
  18. what is the best FAC air rifle!! thanks
  19. Look at the last post by SS. Now decide wether you need a firearm. If you think you do then write to your counties firearms department for a firearms application form. They and only they can tell you if you can own a firearm. BEFORE YOU DO ANY OF THIS. Stop making daft posts. Ask sensible questions and you`ll get sensible answers. Ask daft questions (can anyone help me, can anyone help me, can anyone help me) and you`ll get daft answers. basil. i am not the only one who has asked for help on here ... sure you will need help one day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash:
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