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Everything posted by gsi2000stokie

  1. think it out of order personally but thats my opinion. if ye going kill sumat why not just get it over and done with. its not hunting and it aint sport. i would call it more like canned hunting with an audience. its pointless. would ye have the same view on it if it were one of dogs. i doubt it. just my opinion though.
  2. gsi2000stokie


    nice one jasp. be careful if theyre drilling on them land fills though. a mate of mine does the drilling and once theyve found the gas they use a machine to burn off the excess gases (LIKE OIL RIGS) but ye cant see a flame and hes seen a few birds fly over the flame and drop dead instantly in a puff of smoke on the ones hes at. he only told me cos he saw lads who flew a hawk after gulls and it flew straight through the flame after one and they were warned what might happen but they still kicked off when the poor bugger copped it. ONLY WHEN THEY FOUND THE GAS THOUGH MIND!! just though ad let ye
  3. i set a facebook app up to get the thl back online. never mind now. nice one ian
  4. f*** me,dont know or care whats going on here! just want everyone to know there was no offence taken just a mistake on my part! someone said i had to prove i had a pere/saker,god knows why! why would i ask for advice if i didnt even have the bird??? Any way thank jasper for the help,i flew her to full length of creance yesterday and just twiched the lure away and sheturned back instantly,so today i flew her free 4 longish fligths not very high but on the 4th she landed about 400m away and had to be called back to the lure,so she just needs getting fit now!!! should i fly her every day or do th
  5. or if all else fails print this out
  6. be like me. im jedi. use the force to zipp his gob shut if the preaching starts
  7. i think ya'l find they were just harmless comments. having a giggle at the wrong photo being uploaded. which deano that started the thread had no problems with and the actual reason for posting the thread in the first place is being dealt with. your the one jumping in head first on ye high horse blabin it. behave yeself!!!!!!!! DEANO???? ANY HARD FELLING?????????????
  8. cracking bit of footage. it wont let me enbed it though so ya'l have to follow the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsZouqyJpcY
  9. I couldn't give a flying f*** but I tell you one thing chap you come down this way and I will shut your crack up wise cracks aye spar! hahaha. obviously didnt recognize that the bird in thepic is a gos and not a pere/saker aye mate. careful though he'll shut you up. think he should read this.http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...showtopic=63296
  10. ha ha the photos my female gos and was ment for my profile photo! but at least its give you all some thing to chuckle at!but no real advise. you prove that it is a pere/saker ye got and ye will get all the advise ye need from jasp and the others on here. there alot of newbies signed up here and talk the talk but actually know fuk all. no offence!!! they genuine guys with genuine advise when ye get to know em!!!!!
  11. just after that photo she stooped a wild boar and nailed it outright
  12. Hehehehehehehe! now thats one fine looking Gos! Cracking set of pounces on it mate. is it Pure Finnish ... Jasp it is yeah. or accipiter parroterersiserthingymajig
  13. nice bird that. here my gos in full combat mode
  14. you should pin this jasp. let the newbs know what could happen when they buy a bird and dont know what they doing. :black eye: youve done it for years and come a cropper. imagine what someone inexperienced could end up with. :shout:
  15. read books, watch videos and do a few courses try to get some hands on experience im sure a few people on here will take ye out (maybe). then a harris hawk or a red tail are ideal beginners birds for hunting. or maybe a buzzard to get ye self acquainted with the weight dropping and training of a bop.
  16. theres loads on his profile. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> http://www.youtube.com/user/Skinfalconer
  17. have ye seen the rest of the videos from em. they even got a web site http://www.aucklandanimalaction.org.nz/
  18. idstart the engine and ram the prop through her fingers. possibly it heads
  19. gsi2000stokie


    very true mate. i reakon the price of harris hawks doesnt help much though. at least with a gos the price is high so most wouldnt want to make a mistake after spending a lot of money although i suppose there will be the odd exceptions. i dont think the laws are going to change any time soon but in the mean time breeders could also ask for the potential buyer to produce some sort falconry experience certificate. just a thought i know but it could solve a few problems.
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