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Everything posted by gsi2000stokie

  1. gsi2000stokie


    jinx, jem, jazz, wisp, kia, precious, lil, jolt, im in the same boat.
  2. i personally think they have only got to speak to someone at the dogs kc register. there way of registering dogs has worked fine and very well for years and still does. i think thats the way forward. bring an exact replica way for the dog register into the the way that birds are bread. one paper with the individual birds details on it i.e breeder, parents, DOB, address and a second set with grandparant and breeders numbers next to them. even a kid could read and understand that way of doing things. WHO DO WE SPEAK TO? ITS A PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT MONEY MAKING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
  3. its like the speed camera argument really. we dont need more cameras but they put them up anyway. its a good source of income. this is basically another money making sceme from our wonderful government. lets charge a minor population, (i say minor because there arnt a lot of us falconers) an even more extortionate amount of money to be able to breed OUR birds. fair enough the paper work puts people off robbing a nest and passing the bird off with a fake a10 but do the high prices really need to be in place.
  4. I go ferreting now but i only have ten nets and no finder i but i dont want to loose my ferrets i dont go to town as i am a country bumpkin. tie a couple of bells round thee ferrets neck so the bunnys here em coming less chance of a kill to ground and stick to small warrens
  5. honestly. they said im to old. i applied for 3 courses. pest control, spraying and electrician. the only on i can do is electricion at night time. to many eerm... permanant holiday makers coming over if you ask me.
  6. looking for a cheapor free wood lathe in the staffordshire area any condition as long as its usable for new hobby
  7. hi im 27 this year in may and a single dad with no job and i applied at a college for pest control. guess what. im too old they reckon. so i thought i would have a go on here to see if anyone would take me on. i need somthing to around my lads schooling, im a quick learner when shown how but not to bright with maths. i worked on an icecrream van for 5 years but had to quit as i was going to court for custody of my son and couldnt afford 2000 quid costs for a few days work. now im looking for a job in pest control as i hate being stuck in the same place and prefer to be outside at least. it see
  8. do ya make owt for falconry matey. hoods, jessies, anklets, bags, lures but with fur too, squirrel chapps etc?
  9. oh yeah put an ad on these sites too. preloved, iclads, birdtrader, even the auto trader, international falconry forum
  10. i bet its just f*****G smack heads trying to make a tenner. theyll knick and sell anything. il keep my ears open. good luck
  11. get the estate version (less than a grand now too) then mate. exact same performance and handling just more space. have a look on you tube for em theres 1000s
  12. They're all firing up now Will! just waiting until the seson really kicks in to light the touch paper . the pair of Gos was going through basics today carrying twigs about!! while the female sits contemplateing how she can get in and have him for a meal , Apart from that one female Peregrine is kicking in a little earley and the rest hopefully are on track, thats apart from the H/H which like to shag for weeks well before laying.... Hows that Missile of a car of your's? Beleive it or not I wanted to sell the Navara for a cheapish Mitsubishi Evo this year but was told it wouldn't be tractic
  13. I'm 18 going on 43 really mate . I would love a quick car and go out shagging again .... Jasper do ya want to borrow mine. its a proper fanny magnet. hahahaha. no shaggin in it though its leather. its in the back ground
  14. im with you on this one spar mate. i though my 800 quid odd fine would put a few peeps off doin it. but omg i swear you just cant help some people. my fine was dropped to the 800 odd from 2000 because there was no evidence of any animal that had been harmed but the police did see me throw my bird from a moving car (about 5 mph by the way people!) and they had a perfect birds eye view. a factory cctv camera about 30ft up which was the only reason for lack of evidence because my bird went out of view but they caught me further up the road in a field with 2 rabbits and a pheasant. be carefull peo
  15. i put my H H on bow perch every morning in garden with bath then put in mews on night time unless below freezing then bring in house you can get a tubular greenhouse heater off ebay for 12 quid mate. ive got one and it does the job well. got a bit fed up with my lady moaning every morning thanks for that mate will have a look our lass spot on like wi bird thinks it is talking to her when she walk past it no probs matey. im always looking to make my mewsbetter for my birds so im always thinking of different things to do plus it keeps my lady off my back when i had to bring mine in fr
  16. get yaself to the staffordshire county show ground in may. if you want to see lurchers there will be plenty there. and a lot more.
  17. Your spot on, but i wondered how that pest control chap off that TV program manage to shoot two foxes at night with a night sight in that's chaps built up garden ???? i was going to mention that.... hes from county pest control, ive spoke to him a few times on the phone a few years back. i called him to pick his brains on fox control after seeing him in a news paper add surrounded by 25 or so dead fox`s laying around him. i remember in the programme on tv, he baited up a place in the middle of the garden & waited for the two fox`s to appear, then one after the other took
  18. nice one for that. the lads at the slaughter house have got hold of one for me for 30 quid. a mains powered one. that bit about there girls bit ya mention had me bowling over mate, thats some observation is that. but yer very much right. i not sure if this will work just type this in the search bar on ebay. have a look at the price. robbin ba****ds. Poultry Solar Power Electric Fence Netting Fencing Kit and have a look a ganders at some eye candy below
  19. nearly all my mates have got there killing licences on the slaughter houses. i suppose i could alwys take it there if i catch it.
  20. IM A BIT BORED SO I THOUGHT I WOULD GIVE THE FALCONERS SOMETHING TO WATCH SO I HAVE ADDED A FEW VIDEO LINKS BELOW golden egle on a deer golden eagle killing 2 foxes what i think is a saker but im not to sure. it does say eagle but i dont think it is. anyway it takes out bambi a national geographic video of wild harris hawks. it goes to show how determined and clever thet harris hawks really are this is one bunny that deserved to get away
  22. Oh Kay!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that Vin Diesel?? I FOOKIN' LURVE HIM!!!! You just made my day here you go ladies my lovely girlfriend told me to post this pic for you all. (PRISON BREAK)
  23. ayup. i aint bought it yet but the price is a little higher than i said and if anyone dont believe me heres the link. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Poultry-Solar-Power-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. its not that i cant kill something mate its my animal rights protesting biatch of a city slicker neighbour who probably has never even seen a fox that complains to the council for me feeding my harris day old chicks and quail that im bothered about. left to me it would of a close encounter with a spade by now. i might go down my mates farm with a live catch rat trap and post them through his letter box see how he feels about me killing them.
  25. its just a pain in the arse. if it was a rat noone would even batter an eyelid if i shot it with the airrifle or even stamped on it. but no because its bigger and not seen as often weve got to leave them be. british law is a load of s**t. i doubt anyone would be able say anything dofferent to you matey. looks like 175 quid is going out my account tonight. fence, battery, solar charger. its got to be worth it. anyway thanks a lot matey. nice one for ya time
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