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Everything posted by gsi2000stokie

  1. get them on ebay :crazy:
  2. Theres a fairly good book i am reading now about Bartley Gorman , i dont know about any videos though bartly was my dad's cousin, he also had another brother who could fight his name was sam, he is also dead there is one brother stil alive witch is john my dad has a dvd with bartly on but only a copy if you go on you tube and put gerrygorman in you will se his nephew's who also fight they are sam's sons, i no them all very well hey bolt. ive heard that a film is supposed to be being made of bartley but iv no idea if its true or not. try to find out matey. yes i also here
  3. ive got a program for unlocking nokias. pm me if you want it and i will try to send it to you but not quite sure how i would do it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5z4Vs26-TI dont be put off this is hilarious
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHyn4Um4NIo well not quite hunting. but it is amazing the driver kept going.
  6. i drive icecream van. ideal job would be priminister. yeah thats is. i would ban the f*ucking ban and throw all anti's in jail.
  7. thats the one. feck knows what i was on about. apprentice falconer.
  8. Theres a fairly good book i am reading now about Bartley Gorman , i dont know about any videos though bartly was my dad's cousin, he also had another brother who could fight his name was sam, he is also dead there is one brother stil alive witch is john my dad has a dvd with bartly on but only a copy if you go on you tube and put gerrygorman in you will se his nephew's who also fight they are sam's sons, i no them all very well hey bolt. ive heard that a film is supposed to be being made of bartley but iv no idea if its true or not. try to find out matey.
  9. its gerry gorman that has uploaded them vids.
  10. yeahyou maybe the peregrine will shit in your eye. killing birds of prey illegal do you all know that. not if you realy did not know or could not tell that it has not been crossbred with another BOP\\ fact //you canot be convicted of a crime because it is not native to this country i wonder how many pigeon fanciers know that \\dont spread it around//thats what happens when falconers lose there foreign imports only way to realy tell is DNA still illegle hybrid or not. the best way to stop your pigeons from being taken is either not let them out, or get a really good imitation hawk and pr
  11. whats the last sentence supposed to mean? the funny thing is i didn't know this guy from adam and he's telling me how they wipe nests out? he'd been keeping pigeons for 40 years and was telling me about all the hard work that went into them so i could kind of see his point but i was still gobsmaked when he was telling me! all i can say is thank f**k pigeon racing is a dying sport Why don't you become an Anti Pigeon? You could go around to their meets, and slip ferrets into the crates of pigeons when their backs are turned. :clapper: :clapper:
  12. :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
  13. yeah maybe the peregrine will shit in your eye. killing birds of prey illegal do you all know that.
  14. that rabbit looks likes its been on the ale all night and fell over the fence
  15. same happened to me matey. i would say a fox for sure. mine had marks on her face where she had defended herself. i heard her screaming down the hole and kneeled down to see what was going on and could see the fox trying to get a better grip of her but it let go for just a second when it saw me which gave a chance to escape. 2 hours later i made sure the fox knew what it felt like. going back a few years is that.
  16. if bartley gorman was still alive he'd knock the shit out of both of em at the same time!
  17. this does nearly 70 mpg. bit of a dented drivers door. white, R reg, 4door model. 11 months mot and 5 months tax. stoke on trent ring my mate lee on 07895104444
  18. there were none when i put this post up. i think i got the title right then. i watched them last year and they did quite well. iv been watching her on and off for about an hour now, its 1,44am and she still hasnt sat on that egg and its just freezing over a little outside so we'll have to see what happens with it. also check the diary for saved videos incase you miss anything or http://derbyperegrines.blogspot.com/
  20. whats the actual mounting spar mate.
  21. if you got kids remember this one! if its good enough for baby it'll clean out the ferrets. an old bloke told me that. domestos is what i use.
  22. now thats the offer i was looking for. pm me if ya serious
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