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Everything posted by mubz2cool

  1. so i take it you have never had a messed up shot then? as u seem to be very confidente at taking head shots at 100 yards... Lost 4 deer to heart/lung shots. Fading light - no dog - dense cover...I need to drop them on the spot. Ive never messed up a head/neck shot to date - fact. And yes I am very confident at taking head and neck shots - alot moreso then body shots. My personal preferance - I dont try to convert you to my way of thinking so what are you getting at with me? FTB Blimey... you must be a direct descendant of Vasily Zaitsev to have NEVER missed/messed up a
  2. so i take it you have never had a messed up shot then? as u seem to be very confidente at taking head shots at 100 yards...
  3. i saw a 6 pointer on my ground in scotland just this weekend gone.. he was clean and was very impressive.. he will surly be nowere to be seen when the bucks are in!!! but that wont stop me trying to catch up with him
  4. forgot to add.. will be used for deer stalking in the uk
  5. hi all, Just after some sugestions.. i have a .270 which i love. I also had a 6.5x55 but recently sold it.. just after some info on what other caliber would be good along side my .270. Thanks, Mo
  6. i think the chap knows what a regestered fireamrs dealers is but not the abbreviation! easily done.
  7. newbarn.. i can take you out on my ground, but its in scotland.. up to you if you fancy going out for a stalk i can take you out. no charge.
  8. Hi all.Just a quick question, i am doing my level 1 on the 8th of March, looking through the questions at the back of the manual i came a cross a question about releasing deer into the wild... i understand you cant releas sika and muntjac into the wild but is it lawfull to realeas other species of deer? Also would you need the land owners concent? or do you need to notify anyone? Sorry its just i couldnt find the answer in the manual. anyone with any info would be great.
  9. i think the majority of people have to pay for there stalking one way or another, yes some very lucky ones get it for free but not v often. Have you thought about joining a stalking syndicate?
  10. Hi guys. I have decided to sell my tikka t3 hunter. The rifle was bought new in June and has fired less than 100 rounds. I bought a .270 recently and love it.. it comes out 90% of the time so i cant realy justify having the two. The Tikka is in imaculate condition and with RWS 129 grain amo i will shoot 1/4-1/2inch groups at 100yards all day long. Rifle will come with a bipod which is the medium copy of the haris, and some low 30mm optilock rings and basses. The rifle is screw cut 14x1 by Mike Noris and the sale will also include a ASE JETZ compact mod which is ok up to 30 cal. The mod has not
  11. Hi. Just a quick question.. what are the leagal requirments if i am selling small amounts of venison to a game dealer? thanks, Mo
  12. hi. I was looking at the Satmap hand held GPS divice. it uses os maps on a SD card.. looked quite usfull for when stalking up in scotland for finding your way round plantations etc.. just seeing if anyone else uses somthing like this. Thanks, Mo
  13. well done mate. do you find stalking in the snow hard?
  14. Pez stainless steel mod for sale. Good condition. Came with a rifle i bought recently, it has a .270 stamp on the side so its ok for up to .270 but dont know if its ok for 30 cal. I think its 1/2unf. £100. Can be seen working/tried out if anyone was intrested. Will get pics up soon. Not taken any yet. for got to add i have only put 20-30 rounds through.
  15. hi all. Just a quick one to all owners of the remington 700... I have just bought one in 270. Do you find free floating the barrel/glass bedding the action makes a big differenc to accuracy? Anyone with any info would be much appriciated.
  16. no.. but i was on the f word last week... So where did he shoot that roe deer with the 1st bullet? Did you let him finish it off or did you take the rifle off him? You gave him a shit rest for his rifle IMHO? hi mate, the first shot hit below the shoulder in the fore leg.. he did follow up with the second shot him self. My stalking mentor Jim was the one who was leading the stalking so he decided were the shot would be taken from.. nothing wrong with that rest though in my opinion... looked quit stable. ps my stalking mentor has 40+ years experience. Well he should know
  17. indeed... venison marsala? lol did you watch it mate? i have to say gordons cooking is FAB! Yea i seen it and immediately recognised you. It was the lisp that gave it away How you finding that jet-z on the 6.5? lisp? the jet z is fantastic on my 6.5.. one of the best investments i have made. Makes such a difference, the jet z has mild recoil but with the jet z its a pussy cat. The noise reduction is very good too! are you thinking of geting one?
  18. no.. but i was on the f word last week... So where did he shoot that roe deer with the 1st bullet? Did you let him finish it off or did you take the rifle off him? You gave him a shit rest for his rifle IMHO? hi mate, the first shot hit below the shoulder in the fore leg.. he did follow up with the second shot him self. My stalking mentor Jim was the one who was leading the stalking so he decided were the shot would be taken from.. nothing wrong with that rest though in my opinion... looked quit stable. ps my stalking mentor has 40+ years experience. Well he should know
  19. no.. but i was on the f word last week... So where did he shoot that roe deer with the 1st bullet? Did you let him finish it off or did you take the rifle off him? You gave him a shit rest for his rifle IMHO? hi mate, the first shot hit below the shoulder in the fore leg.. he did follow up with the second shot him self. My stalking mentor Jim was the one who was leading the stalking so he decided were the shot would be taken from.. nothing wrong with that rest though in my opinion... looked quit stable. ps my stalking mentor has 40+ years experience.
  20. indeed... venison marsala? lol did you watch it mate? i have to say gordons cooking is FAB!
  21. Whent down south to do a bit of cull stalking. Not bad for one day.. (i cant seem to atach the final pic which showed the lot but i will try and get it up. These two are from just before lunch. http://i930.photobucket.com/albums/ad144/mubz/DSCF2132.jpg the total at the end of the day.
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