my black lab bramble is due to whelp in a week and a half and the mrs is running around like a mother hen i'll get some pics up as soon as i load the camera into the comp,regards jack.
im thinking of getting a tranny or similar myself,to make the rear for the dogs and the middle accessed through side door into a day/over night van.has anyone done this and if so any pictures for ideas would be appreciated.regards jack.
while butcherboy is quite right,i personally think that training your own dog is such good fun and fulfilling when you have achieved the finished article.but as he says the choice is yours.regards jack
don't know why but mine did it as puppies and then slowed right down,they don;t rush their food but will always eat if you give them food no matter how much they've had.regards jack.
thats a beautiful looking bird mate and im sorry to hear that you may have to part with her after all your hard work,hope things work out for you all the best LW.
went out for a couple of hours on friday,with my .22 brno rimfire
the first picture show two young just ready to be born
next picture shows a shot that pulled some of the guts out the other side
and the final picture was the other eight shot first.
beautifull looking dog mate,sorry to hear about you circumstances and hope you find the dog a great working home it looks like its a bundle of energy as do most springers.atb.LW
was there today,good turnout,nice little shop outlet and some good bargains to be had.plenty of dogs there and a good list of classes well done hope the business does really well.