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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. Ask for a 50 caliber mate, that should see old Charlie away. into a million tiny pieces
  2. Barry, I couldn't disagree more. 223 all the way. The ammo is cheap and plentiful, and so are the rifles. 222 is somewhat pointless - the difference between it and 223 isn't large enough to make one safe where the other might not be, and 222 costs more to buy and is rarer. 223 does everything up to small deer, making it a very versatile calibre indeed.
  3. It's illegal, you will have to shell out I'm afraid - all transfers of firearms to the public must be face-to-face. I.e. RFDs can buy from distributors and get it couriered, but there is paperwork for the courier companies in question, it's not just Parcel Force...
  4. Well, easiest way is to letter-drop the local community and tell them Tiddles needs a reflective collar and bell, otherwise she is fair game! In answer to calibre I would say for a decent range, 22 Magnum and upwards. As with fox, 22LR will do but not more than 50-odd yards or so unless you get loads of time for the shot.
  5. Well that's good, how does it work in really simple terms (sorry for being stupid!). I buy a moderator, and the sleeves can be bought with, or they need to be made up?
  6. Can two rifles (223 and 243 ) share an over-barrel sound moderator? Would they both have to be the same weight of barrel?
  7. The Sako is a 75 Varmint. Rebarreling was mentioned before, but for 223 which wouldn't work as the magazine and action are different. But in 243, well then it's just the barrel, so thanks for the thought I will check it out! The A-bolt a solid, accurate rifle then?
  8. Hmmm... Not come across those before. Pretty decent then?
  9. You did put sound moderator didn't you? (just checking, Plod messed mine up and I never bothered to correct it, as such my 22-250 was a waste of time.)
  10. I would think you would be fine off sticks. Might be slightly out, but still Minute of Rabbit Agree with David overall though, bipod, or fence or something solid is better. The big size Harris, big enough for sitting shots, is useful sometimes, but it's pretty heavy.
  11. I know I mentioned this before, but the goalposts have, I think changed somewhat. I've had problems with my Hornet which resulted in 3 wounded foxes in 2 days and that's unacceptable. I think/hope it's fixed with a good clean of the moderator (guy that had it before me I don't think cleaned it, it was FULL of powder and muck) but it got me thinking. With 223, I have a round which is accurate, cheap (depending on ammo) and very versatile. Hornet is a great rabbit and fox round, but I don't reload as I have a shoebox for a house and have no space. So, factory stuff is expensive, but wors
  12. Thanks both, Ratman, you're dead right, that's why most people that have firearms have one somewhere. It always has been, and probably always will be, the calibre I couldn't be without. There's always a use for it, from bunnies generally to quiet, close-range, built-up-area (i.e. people sensitive to noise, not ricochet-proof ) fox control. And it's cheap and with a semi, great fun!
  13. Yep. Almost every CZ is a charmer. The CZ452 is a brilliant action and the barrels are normally top-notch too. The trigger isn't the best but it's fine for rimfire ranges. Deker has one, he loves it. I've had 2 452s over the years - a varmint in HMR (shot brilliantly, dumped it for Hornet) and my dad's 22LR Lux, which he still has and still shoots a half inch at 50 yards (13 years old now).
  14. You've annoyed me Mentoring is a difficult one, it definitely has its uses BUT sometimes it takes the piss. There are two types for me: * mentoring for deer * mentoring for shooting generally MENTORING FOR DEER If the person has no experience, a good idea. There is a lot to worry about when shooting a deer, most of it not concerning the shooting. I know very little, hence why I am happy to have a mentoring condition for it. BUT the mentoring is in the processing of the deer, reasons for shooting, etc. NOT the actual shooting because my FEO is quite happy for me to point the s
  15. The system we have drives me absolutely MAD. FEOs (some anyway) think they can monitor everything, impose conditions which aren't in law etc. We the Shooting Community need to march or something to get the government to listen and place one set of controls across the entire country. It is my understanding that deer control must be justified by first using non-lethal methods, but the FEO's place is not to check this before saying Yay or Nay on the actual use of a rifle on any given land. It's bad enough the common mentoring condition for shooting deer, but I can at least understand this.
  16. Baldie, totally agree on the legal advice side of things, this sounds like it's about to get messy. However, if there is no land to shoot on at all, then they can say no good reason and therefore No, surely? But, this situation is no land within their force area, well bollocks to that! If you want to commute 100 miles for a shoot, that doesn't make the land any less valid or the good reason any less good. So I would think the BASC would have a field day with that one.
  17. I don't buy the barrel breaking in procedure posted earlier. i do think care needs to be taken, but that is seriously, seriously onerous. To use the car analogy, just take good care of it, that's what I do with my car! My process is very simple - new rifle gets zeroed and thoroughly cleaned with copper solvent after that. And each time it gets fired (even if just one round) it gets thoroughly cleaned as well. When it's had a few, if I fire the odd round it's only a boresnake, but the process doesn't seem to do any harm - my Sako still shoots a half inch or thereabouts at 100 yards, same as
  18. Snap, that's good shooting Top notch mate. As a matter of interest, what ammunition was in your 243? Curious, since i have 243 for fox on a pending variation, and that sure did the biz even that far out!
  19. Jamie, 1:14 standard, certainly that's the Sako. It will stabilise 55gr too. FPS-wise, you're looking at 3800-ish for 50-55gr - www.remington.com and ballistics will tell you all you need to know...
  20. I would have said one glass of wine is OK, but it does hamper shooting ability, I tested that when I was younger. Now I don't shoot if I have had even one, not that I won't be responsible, but I won't be as accurate. Not sure on the legal standpoint.
  21. Personally I don't rate them. We used to stock them in the shop, but never sold that many of them. As with all the accessories sold by Nickerson's they tend to fall in the lower end of the price and qualitt bracket, not knocking the stock, its all does what it should but there are better out there for similar money (and obviously more money!) My recomendation would be to get over to a good retailer like Glasgow Angling (Shooting) Centre, where they will have a choise for you to get your hands on. As with all things shooting related, but especially so with optics, buy the very best you
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