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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. I've not looked through one, but from what I hear it's a case of do not touch with a bargepole. Given that the Bushnell 3200 is similar money, they are much better and can be compared to VX-II glass, which is pretty decent.
  2. If you're shooting deer, then it should do nicely!
  3. Difficult to say without looking really but it does sound like there might be a problem. I have emailed Leupold in the past and did get a response but it took a while. GMK could help as the UK distributor as well.
  4. Was that aimed at me? I was saying about an FAC, not an SGC, as that was the question asked.
  5. Minimum age is 14. Can people PLEASE learn how to use punctuation? I am getting fed up with having to read posts 5 times to work out what the person is trying to say. Between the spelling and punctuation of a 5-year-old, it is a wonder we manage to understand half these posts at all!
  6. 308 is about 50p, sometimes a touch more.
  7. <chuckle> Ammo prices ARE going silly, but HMR is not megabucks - try shooting premium factory 243 or 308 - THAT hurts the wallet
  8. Well then"MR Logic" What would you recommend for that price bracket.... eagerly awaiting your reply as if I can find a better scope for the same price for a 22..... I want it.. What's your problem mate? I didn't actually say anything about the optics. Do you want me to say they're fantastic? They're not. They are a solid choice in that price bracket. JSRs might be slightly better, but I've not compared side-by-side. My point was just that people shouldn't think that 90 quid is a bargain for them. They're not normally priced at £180-odd, Opticswarehouse charge about £120 for them
  9. They are bearable for the price, but don't let Sportsman fool you - 90 quid is all they're worth normally, this is NOT some great offer.
  10. Oh Lord. 17HMR & deer = never ever legally 17HMR is a rabbit & crow tool, nothing more. It has its place - long range bunnies for people that don't reload. THose that do should shoot Hornet, which is as quiet, and kills foxes, and has less windage, and less drop!
  11. If you have to spend less than 150 quid, save your money for now. you won't beat the BSA by any great margin. You need to be spending £200+ to beat that really - most of the Chinese stuff is pretty similar. You could try MTC, but tbh I really think you're better off saving. To buy chinese again is only going to be a waste of your money.
  12. Presumably it's foxes and vermin rather than deer? if so I would get something scope-wise with a bit of magnification. Leupold should do, or the top of Bushnell. Or you can get secondhand Euro glass (or indeed the higher mag VX-IIIs - they're not cheap now sadly!)
  13. My thoughts on this one are pretty simple - they can f*** off. It's meant to be a free country, and we have enough checks on movement, and infringements of freedom and privacy already.
  14. I have both and I disagree. From behind the rifle, with the 22 baffles in, my P8 is quieter. I know that flies in the face of most tests, but that's how it is to me. WEight is about the same. Where the JetZ does win is for lamping, as it's smaller overall and so there's less splash on it from the lamp, which is better.
  15. I'd avoid the T4/T8 if you can. They do work, but they do rust. Get a P8 compact, and make sure you get the 22 baffle stack. Mine is quieter than my T8 and not even slightly rusty! Similar price, too.
  16. Well they look pretty similar to me. Mine wasn't inaccurate, but it was unreliable and a pain in the ass to strip. I stand by my recommendation to avoid like swine flu!
  17. IN this day and age, there's no reason not to have a mod on a sporting rifle. If you get the right one your balance is still very good and you don't need muffs. Also, if you have neighbours, you piss them off much less.
  18. Adam - this is as much a query as a suggestion. Perhaps the guys with experience would comment. How about using subs on rabbits and carrying a spare magazine filled with high velocity Eleys? I saw a test in Shooting Times which found the Eleys gave the best combination of penetration and expansion for fox. Just a thought. Ric I haven't seen that, but tbh I would disagree anyway - the 22LR isn't a mainstream fox round, so whatever ammo you use is marginal. You have to keep range short and shot placement accurate, and then it works. Forget taking high velocity ammo or whatever, doesn't mak
  19. I liked my Falcon, I don't like my MTC, so Falcon for me. I trust adjustments etc more with that than I do with MTC.
  20. Had one, given to my brother in the States. He's very happy with it. Don't bother with the IR, no point - glows too bright on such a cluttered reticle and costs you more. Optically bearable with good adjustments. If you're happy with the cluttered reticles, then they're worth a look.
  21. Started with Lee's stuff, now use Redding's pad and lube, it's much much quicker and comes off more easily to boot.
  22. I'd not get either of them. If you want cheap then get a JSR, they're not actually as bad as their cheap price tag suggests. On an HMR, you don't need to go mad, but you do want half-decent optics, and good adjustments. I would go with either Bushnell Elite 3200 (have one and it's very good, for the money. Adjustments work properly and the optics are clear and relatively bright) or a Nikon Buckmaster (Fieldmaster). Both ranges are the cheap side of good. I'd go with 4-12x40 or 50, as I find 3-9 a little bit light for 150-yard rabbits. Bushnell will be about £250 for that, and the
  23. Try Leupold VX-III, Bushnell 4200, Nikon Monarch. A bit more than your BSAs but much better. The top European glass is amazing, but IMHO you can get by with less. I have a 6.5-20 VX-III, and while it's not as good as my 8x56 Schmidt, it was far cheaper than the Schmidt 4-16x50. I've never been in the field with it, and wished I had a better scope. That has happened a lot with the the cheap crap I used to use...
  24. Have you ever looked through a Leupold VX-III or a Schmidt & Bender? If not, try one. Then, find someone who has one and try it again, this time in low light or on the lamp. You won't need any further argument! But if you do... adjustments adjust properly. The scopes are better made and better finished. Mainly though, they actually do what they are meant to do, which is why they're worth the money!!
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