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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. You can have as many as you can justify. Equally, with no experience eyebrows will be raised if you ask for a cabinet-load of centrefires.
  2. You see, I was actually being civil and recognising that there are times you do say useful things. But there you go again, more antagonistic bullshit. Can't you just f*** off someplace else?
  3. I did some digging on this one a while back. IIRC, the 5.56 NATO is higher pressure than the 223 Rem, so you can use 223 Rem in a 5.56 but not necessarily the other way round. BUT in 308, the 7.62 NATO is LOWER pressure than the 308 Win, so you can use 7.62 in the 308 without issue. I would find my source for that, but I can't be arsed as I'm just about to go to bed!
  4. Can't let what go? Sorry, just disagreeing with you again. I know it happens but that's mainly because 95% of what you say is bollocks. I have had the odd jam with a semi, and I have had the odd jam with a bolt action (mainly centrefires as I don't have a bolt action rimfire). They happen, it's a fact of life. I've not had any more jams with a bolt action than with my Ruger. I've now had 2 10/22s over the years, the cheapo one and the target model. Neither jammed. Both were good fun, and the rabbits didn't argue.
  5. Foxes don't need all that much mag, 10-12x is perfectly fine. I have a 6-18 Leupold on my CZ223 at the moment, but the top end is for long range, daytime rabbits. Charlie can be taken out to 300+ on 10x quite happily.
  6. You know, bolt guns jam too... Yes, semi autos do jam, but if you get the right one (10/22) and you look after it, then it will look after you, simple as. BUT I would still recommend a bolt action for the rabbits. They are quieter with subs (no action noise) and the CZ452 requires no tweaking or work to get it to shoot really well. However, a 10/22 is a perfectly accurate rifle, it's reliable, and compared to CZ's new pricing, it's pretty damn cheap too.
  7. Not sure what your problem is - dead is dead. Now if you have a problem with shooting things, piss off someplace else.
  8. Good going.. What's the rifle? I'm wanting to say Ruger, but not sure
  9. Bolt gun is normally a little more accurate, but don't write off the semi auto. I have a Ruger 10/22T and it will hold its own with the CZs any day. Reliability is very good so long as you clean it.
  10. Leupold stuff is good but the prices have gone silly now so you will struggle for 500 quid. Nikon Monarch is worth a look - I tried the 4-16x42 on my CZ, optically great but didn't fit due to the high bolt lift Bushnell do the 6-24x40 elite 4200 which should work pretty well as well.
  11. I have about 400 I will happily sell you! But, if I were you, I'd learn from my error, and reload...
  12. Somehow I doubt it will be as easy as it was last year, although that was 500 - we had a glorious day for it, you hardly needed to worry about windage
  13. Glad you enjoyed it. Charlie did shoot well, but I did adjust the rifle for him..
  14. 223 is a good cf, especially if you're not reloading. If you are, then Hornet instead of HMR.
  15. I've been researching this on the net. Even the Yanks say if you don't reload forget Hornet. Factory ammo is cr*p. If you do reload it's a good varmint round. Put a couple of other centrefires on your application though. Remi .222 is unfashionable but it works! ATB bro Ric .222 is going the way of the Hornet. Tbh, in this day and age, RELOAD! Centrefire ammo of any quality is now so expensive that you pay for the reloading kit very quickly. You can either settle with early loads or tinker away - the choice is yours. But you will almost certainly beat factory fodder in any calibre.
  16. Hornet... you will need to reload it, nobody stocks decent ammo. Also, factory stuff is OK I guess, but it ain't cheap and it don't shoot straight. As an example, if I use Prvi factory, I get a group of about 1.5" at 100 yards. if I use a homeload of 12.3gr of H110, 35gr Vmax, then I get a half inch group. My homeloads cost about 20-25p each, and the factory is twice that. Added to which, the 35gr vmax explodes, the factory SP barely expands. Hornet is great if you reload, but if you don't then AVOID!
  17. I wasn't Subs are fine on Charlie, it's accuracy that counts with them, not power. Neither bullet is powerful enough to be considered more than marginal.
  18. Bloody 'ell, I like Hornet, it's cheaper and works better!
  19. I want a quid every time this topic comes up, I can retire! 22LR with subsonics = not ideal fox tool. At 50 yards they're OK, stick one in Charlie's head. If you can find a fox that will get up from that, I will eat my hat. 223 is a much better tool for the job, as it's a mainstream fox round to 400 yards if you can shoot it, with the right conditions and ammo. Regarding legality, unless your 223 is conditioned for vermin, or your 22LR for fox, you have potentially a sticky situation, so worth a phone call.
  20. You send in a form 101 filled in for variation, with a cheque for 26 quid. Your FEO will come out and ask you why you need two guns for deer, and you point out the foxes. He says OK, you get your ticket back after a huge delay (region depending) and then you buy a rifle.
  21. AFAIK, rehabilitation of offenders act does NOT apply to firearms - your conviction is NEVER spent.
  22. If it's just bunnies then HMR will be OK. If you want foxes then Hornet. BUT you will need to reload if you shoot Hornet.
  23. Was that aimed at me? I was saying about an FAC, not an SGC, as that was the question asked. It was not aimed at anyone in particular. There has been lots of conflicting advice given re SGC and FAC in this thread. The post was to give everyone the correct information and a point of reference to bring the matter to a close and clear any confusion due to the endless contradictions. OK cool, just checking
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