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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. Bleedin' 'ell, that's bloody good at 400 yards!
  2. That seems to work then... here's a pic of a rabbit shot with the 50gr Blitzking, as opposed to the varminter SP used in Deker's ammo. Surprisingly similar. Mine was at yards.
  3. Depends what you want it for ! As a purist's rabbit tool, or target shooter for precision, I am inclined to agree. But if you want a bit of fun, then Ruger all the way. Anschutz semi autos have been awful, which is a shame, since their bolt guns are great.
  4. They are OK for their price bracket. I've only looked through one, not used one in the field. Thing is, they're so close to the Elite 3200, which is much better, that the Elite is worth the extra IMHO.
  5. Drop of oil and a boresnake every now and then - 22LR is fine because it's a lead bullet. On a CF, you need more to get the copper out.
  6. How much are you planning on optics? Remington's your choice for the rifle
  7. I think this shows a total lack of self control. One wonders what your FAC says your 308 is for. i dont hold an F.A.C as of yet it was my friend who took the shot as you would know if you read the full post! does make me wonder if i should ask for this thread to be removed though, if it doesnt say "and other ground game/vermin" under deer and fox next to .308 on my mates ticket (which it very well may do) have we broken the law? cheers hyperion Apologies , Didn't mean to offend. Seems I stirred up a hornets nest. I'm not offended by gory pics. I've seen more than my f
  8. You won't make a good stab of 1000 yards for cheap, but from what I can find you should be able to get setup to have a go. Of the two, the Remington is the one being used as a platform for customisation, and it's every bit as good as the Howa, so get that. You will then need a scope with repeatable adjustments, and a lot of range too. Bushnell's Elite 3200 10x40 would do, has 100MOA, reasonable optics and a nice price tag. Or possibly Falcon Optics, but I think you will find the ret very cluttered when stalking. Don't scrimp on the mounts - get a Picatinny rail if possible, or dece
  9. I got the Winchester semi, works nicely, just need to learn to shoot it
  10. I've not got load data for you (but head for Hodgdon's website - assuming you've got a 22 inch barrel, take their figures and remove 200fps) but I'd be using 55gr Nosler or 70gr Nosler ballistic tips. Or Sierras, too. Sierra have a good reloading guide for 243, which uses a 22in barrel - google for sierra reload data 243 and you should find it, it's a PDF.
  11. I think you will find that was a joke...
  12. Trappa, you shot the Energiser bunny! Keeps going long after other rabbits have expired
  13. Ah yes. The 204. Well let's put the record straight on 204 It promises much on paper. There are a few things that we need to remember... Firstly, many 204s don't like 40gr bullets too much. The one I had was partial to the Nosler, but its BC isn't particularly great. The Hornady V-max is the one to get, it has a high BC. My rifle hated it. Which leaves the 39gr blitzking. Which shoots well apparently but is rare - I couldn't find any until after I sold the rifle. Then let's remember that nobody stocks the case trimming stuff for it, and cases are rare too. Then let's remember
  14. They work well if your rifle shoots them accurately.
  15. I have a Jet Z, P8 Compact and T8. They're all OK for moderation, I think the P8 is best tbh, although I do have the 22 baffles. Avoid the T8, all the others are fine.
  16. Ultimately all centrefires work on fox. The only consideration is therefore do you want to shoot deer or rabbits with it too? If yes to deer, then 243, no question. Rabbits are OK but you will need to reload because £1 to £1.50 a bunny is silly money. I would avoid .222 now, .223 is so much more popular and with good reason - it is a bit faster and flatter, though only slightly. I have no beef with .222, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy one. 22-250 is a good round, especially for fox. Yes, it does use a large rifle primer but hey ho! They're bloody cheap anyway. Always worth a
  17. Have a look at WHY people hunt with airguns. It's because you can walk into a shop and buy one, no license. Do the Yanks use airguns? Surely if they're so great then they would too! The fact is that, once you have an FAC, air guns have their place but it is a limited one. For the most part (though there definitely are exceptions) the smallest gun that gets used is the 22RF. Simple fact is that yes, a well placed air rifle pellet does do the job. BUT a well placed 22RF bullet does it better, and is less wind affected, and gives considerably more range. In most situations, it is simply a
  18. 223. Nothing it can't do, for my shooting anyway. I just wish I could shoot roe with it
  19. Your FEO is wrong. Fmj heads are not ammunition, nor are they expanding missiles. How does your fac cover them? This process is not up for negotiation by police forces, it is enshrined in law, which they cannot overrule. Expanding ammunition and the missiles for it were made Section 5, but our FAC condition permits ownership. Non-expanding missile were not included and are therefore not covered by the firearms acts.
  20. Andy, I think if you read the thread and what is written on our certificates (ie; "2. Ammunition including expanding ammunition and expanding missiles") it is self explanatory. We are limited in relation to all ammunition for our rifles. Not just expanding ammo. Not everyone is as fortunate as you say you are. Different Firearms Dep'ts have different wording that they apply to licenses. And the gundealer is not a "knob" or a "homer". He has just read the certificate and abided by its conditions. And yes I could order a 1000 or more FMJ's over the internet, but I would be breaking t
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