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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. Snap I have been mulling a set of Redding 223 dies - what does my money get me that I don't already have with Lee dies?
  2. It wasn't a range per se, just a 25m range on an army base. I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, the Army guys used to go up there all the time, but went up there when I was doing the year in the CCF to be an NCO - I was RAF section. But yes, good fun
  3. It was on an army base rather than a range per se, just their close range stuff. Can't remember the name of it but we were out there for a weekend, and that was part of it.
  4. he's wrong. They won't send a replacement license, the bit that he filled in on your FAC counts as the rifle being on there, until such time as you renew or have a variation, at which point the licensing dept will print an FAC with the firearms in the firearms possessed section. Don't worry, all is well!
  5. Hornet ... reload ... less money ... better ballistics ... same noise ...
  6. Way back in cadets, at whichever range we went to, the LSW.
  7. No, good job too. There's another firearms dealer I could cheerfully thump!
  8. Yes, for the money they are very good. Accurate adjustments, clear optics. The ret's not great for field work though, not at night anyway - too cluttered. They're a tad heavy as well. But apart from that, recommended. Don't bother with the IR though, it's shite.
  9. Don't need to clean them all the time for sure, but every now and then for the bore helps. Since i shoot a semi auto, action must be kept spotless.
  10. Yes I have, but not for many years... I was referring to your point about them only needing the one shot to die. I've had occasions where I would have had the second had I not been farting about with a bolt to reload. Off a bipod in certain circumstances that shot is there, but it's rarer with a bolt action. My point is therefore simply that while you do get a chance sometimes with a bolt action, a semi simply makes it easier. I was surprised you'd not seen that since you've been to sea before...
  11. Get a .22 cleaning rod, that's what you should really use anyway. Then take the .22 rod and put through with no attachment, the remnants will come out just fine.
  12. I just asked him "How about £250?" as I didn't think it was a huge difference. But like I said, no worries at all not getting the discount, just the rudeness thereafter that astounded me!
  13. Well, maybe I caught him on a bad day? Who knows, but SS is right, never turn away custom, especially in a recession!
  14. Just got back from the Phoenix show, and am most incensed. I wanted to buy a Bushnell 10x40 scope + mounts, and a set of CZ550 mounts as well, from the Gunshop of East Barnet. They totted up to £265 so I asked the guy for a discount to £250, which he declined. No problem there really, gotta try. So I said I could get the scope 20 quid cheaper elsewhere but I'd like the mounts. He grabbed all the stuff and just said to me "well you go and have a nice time" (think that's about right anyway, pretty noisy in there!) and refused to sell me the CZ mounts I wanted. I've had some pretty rub
  15. Target shooting is exactly that - for shooting targets, with a club, at a range. It is NOT any shooting at tin cans or whatever, and as such no open ticket will be granted solely for target shooting. Also, I highly doubt the police will renew for a single day's shooting in a year. IMHO it would not constitute 'good reason' as you can borrow a rifle when you go without being an FAC holder. You might be lucky there, but don't count on it - get some permission sorted. Also, what is the point of a rifle you can use only occasionally? It's a hassle, which if not used is pointless an
  16. And I am completely the opposite. I can't be asked to stalk a bunny rabbit, I would much rather set myself the challenge of blowing its head off at 200+ yards.
  17. They were bearable but not exceptional. The 75gr match stuff shot very well though.
  18. Quite probably - he yips on in the foxing book about how it was his favourite fox tool. And fair enough tbh, if we could still own a semi auto .223, I would also use an AR15 for foxing.
  19. Yep, best get knocking on some doors. Adverts in the local pub(s), that sort of thing
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