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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. If that's a 150gr SP, then yep, it'll work a treat.
  2. 243 varmint rounds start at 55 and work up to about grains. In factory loaded, Remington do a 75 grain which makes large holes in foxes, Norma loads the 58gr Vmax which also works, and Federal loads 55 and 70 grain Noslers. If you're reloading, 55 or 70 Nosler would be my choice. I use the 70 Nosler and it works very well.
  3. I'm quite happy with reasoned debate, but I won't have wind-ups or abuse. So if you carry on that way then we'll just see about you sticking around... Shotgun - are you reloading these? You might have said but if you did I missed it. The simple fact is that anything from 243 upwards is going to sort out a fallow no problem with the right bullet. If you're not reloading, then stick to something common! Otherwise you have a large number of calibres to choose from...
  4. Go f*** yourself you f***ing retard. I tend to try and steer clear of personal abuse but that's not on. I said about roe, this is a fallow question. Yes, 243 will see to a fallow no problem, but for them, you are going to want a decent deer bullet. Good heavy soft point or a Nosler Partition should do the trick. It`s not on logic because you`ve lost control of your feelings.. You lack restraint and cannot handle pressure especially from fellow experience guy`s.. Anyway your little outburst is forgiven and was literally water off a ducks back I can see that your obvious
  5. I only lamp on foot, but we were out shooting with a mate of Deker's in Devon/Cornwall and he had an old-model L200 which was very good, got us through some boggy ground and was great to shoot from, we had a fantastic time
  6. Go f*** yourself you f***ing retard. I tend to try and steer clear of personal abuse but that's not on. I said about roe, this is a fallow question. Yes, 243 will see to a fallow no problem, but for them, you are going to want a decent deer bullet. Good heavy soft point or a Nosler Partition should do the trick.
  7. We can argue about correct all you like - there are two schools of thought, and each one is perfectly justified. Legality - if you have an ACTUAL ACT or a quote from one, or anything else which says it's illegal, please post it. I have posted all the legislation I know of which completely and utterly agrees with me.
  8. Hunter zero, thanks for filling me in on Northern Ireland. The ballistic tip is made for larger game too you know. And is perfectly legal in both varieties in England, which is what we're discussing. The BT deforms in a predictable manner, it just does so very quickly. If you won't accept this then that's up to you. You're wrong, simple fact, but if you won't see it then we may as well leave it there. Incidentally, you made mention (or someone did anyway) of the Tnt as also being illegal - that's hollow point and deforms predictably too. That illegal? What about the 110gr varmint b
  9. Good going - glad he had fun, looks happy enough that he may have got the shooting bug - which is good, more the merrier in this day and age. At 29 I really shouldn't be the young 'un still for most shooting activities!
  10. I meant my particular bullet, which HAPPENS TO BE a 70 grain Nosler. You clearly are in capable of a reasoned argument, not seen one. Not seen any relevant evidence to back up your claims.
  11. And who, pray tell, would you report them to? Oh Look Officer! That man over there used a 243 which is on his ticket for deer, to kill a deer! He used an expanding bullet which is both soft and hollow nosed to humanely kill a deer, and he complied with his permissions, landowners and all revelant Deer Acts! Please arrest him for this heinous ... no ... wait ... he's done nothing wrong. Regarding the 87 grain, Nosler don't make one which means this is the Hornady 87-grain V-max, which is a Varmint bullet. CharlieT and HunterZero, you harp on about the 70 grain bullet being illegal - I
  12. No, this is not correct. The only animal where this does apply is deer - the Deer Act specifically states that expanding ammunition must be used. Other animals are afforded no such protection, and thus the use of FMJ is legal. In some circumstances it is a useful tool (though personally I wouldn't, I like being humane), for example shooting an animal where you intend to keep the pelt.
  13. FMJ does not expand, in the civilian world it's for target work only. Hollow point is for foxes and stuff. FMJ can kill a fox no problem but your shot placement has to be absolutely precise. Don't go there, that road leads to wounding.
  14. Not sure why you're quoting the Firearms Act. The particular quote you reference is in the section discussing Section 5 ammunition; it has nothing to do with the shooting of deer. Irrespective, varmint bullets do deform in a Predictable Manner - they explode! Please find me the bit in animal welfare legislation where it discusses bullet choice. Quite simply, if I use a 70 grain Nosler on a deer and place the shot, I will absolutely guarantee 100% that the shot will be more humane than some numpty who can't shoot for shit putting a 100 grain softpoint in the deer's belly or arse. Given that
  15. I shall address each of the last 3 posts because I'm getting sick of this. Point #1. English law - Roe & larger require a 240 or greater (i.e. practical minimum of 243 or more) with 1700 ft/lbs of muzzle energy and a soft or hollow point bullet. Ballistic tips of ALL types are included, no expanding bullets are illegal for deer. As to suitability, there are two angles here. Hunter zero, not sure what your problem is, there are different schools of thought here. Let's be clear about one thing - these deer do not find their way to the game dealer. I eat them in conjunction with frie
  16. In Scotland it would be illegal on deer larger than roe, but in England it's legal, full stop. Neither is it inhumane on a roe deer. I've shot several with ballistic tip or similar. They go down like a sack of shit and their insides look like a bomb went off. So very good shocking power. I tend to stick with head or neck shots with that type of bullet as there IS a risk of a surface wound. My point was not to start an argument about this but to point out that you can get a 6mm bullet to deliver awesome shock power.
  17. I think if you posted in proper English we could understand your point better...
  18. I also speak with direct experience of the 204. I had one for 6 weeks and it was a PITA, so I sold it. Gone back to 243, which is more gun than either. It flies flatter and bucks the wind better than either, too. Now, 204 is a good calibre on paper. BUT... here's a few points. 1. It's a necked down 222 Magnum, which means that you need a good long barrel (24") to burn the powder, and you will really suffer if you don't have one. 2. Most are 1:12 twist. Some shoot the 40 grain, some don't. If you get one that doesn't, you're in trouble. I had a 204 which didn't make it out the othe
  19. Just a couple of additional points, 1) There are plenty of 'acts' that separate vermin from deer. i) ( Forestry act) the expression “vermin†includes any wild animals (other than rabbits, hares or deer) / ii) ( crofters act ) Hunting, shooting, fishing, or taking game or fish, wild birds, or vermin. The word “game†for the purposes of this subsection means deer, hares, rabbits / iii) (firearms act) the lawful shooting of deer; (ii) the shooting of vermin or, in the course of carrying on activities in connection with the management of any estate / iiii). I could go on and on but you
  20. He can answer for himself, I happen to agree though so I'm making that point But let's stop now.
  21. f**k me MR L you should be an politician Good idea, I can then put my gun-buying problem on expenses
  22. Fireball, if you want to debate the topic, then fine. Debate it. I know Deker personally, and if he were out shooting deer for sport, then he would not have shot the deer in question. However, as I understand it this is pure pest control from someone who's asked for them to be controlled. Simple fact round here is that deer are everywhere, like all the other main pests. If the landowner wants them shot, you shoot them! It keeps permissions and makes life much easier. If you can't because of the law then fair enough - people understand. But if you turn to a landowner and say you're leaving
  23. The whole vermin thing - semantics I'm afraid. I've seen definitions of the word vermin that basically equate to 'pest'. Certainly, in many cases a roe deer is no different than a rabbit. They both eat grass and crops and by their existence cause damage to human settlement, be that gardens, or fences or whatever. The word vermin isn't defined in statute, so you can't include or exclude it. If the term were defined, it would for once and all settle the debate about whether you can shoot fox with a vermin ticket. But let's stay on topic. Now, around the country there are many people who
  24. All dog people who don't respect shooting people, keep to dog section of forum and piss off if you don't like that. All shooting people who don't respect dog people, don't post in dog section. SUspect it's all fair in the end!
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