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Everything posted by Mr_Logic

  1. I'm not doubting that £35 is the common price now, though it does take the piss! My point was aimed at Furball - I am quite happy to knock over the odd bunny if it's a quiet day - don't get out too often after the deer so if there's sod all going I'll have a pop at what there is to shoot. Obviously, only after I've spent quite a while verifying that there really is nothing doing. Although, that said, I knocked over a roe the other night having just zeroed the rifle so they weren't too worried about the noise...
  2. I think there are more gun shy horse owners than there are gun shy horses! You get a few that aren't a fan, most tend to jump and maybe canter a few paces when the gun goes off, but then settle really quickly. But of course to horse owners we're terrifying folk and their beloved animals are in danger and are terrified. So when dealing with horse owners, calm and soothing words and the odd deep breath!
  3. Remind me where I said anything about controlling rabbits with a deer calibre? I said about if he's out and there's nothing much doing, he could shoot a couple... It's a bit different. And as for cost, reload. Then it ain't 35 quid a box, more like about 8 quid. Which is much easier.
  4. Biggest problem with HMR is that because it flies flat people up the range at which they shoot foxes. Fine on bunnies but absolute top whack with HMR should be 100yards, less is better! Just doesn't have the right degree of energy or expansion further out.
  5. You can decide if you want to shoot the odd rabbit; recent ACPO Guidelines on Shooting of Lesser Species allow you to take fox and rabbit with your stalking rifle, should you so wish and regardless of your FAC condition.
  6. It's the general license, you need do nothing. You should, however, verify that you have satisfied all non lethal means of dealing with the problem first. HZ's link should provide info on how to make sure you have complied.
  7. Every now and then. Chances are better either end of the day though, but you still get a walk in the country, so why not go anyway? Always pop off a few bunnies if there's nothing else doing!
  8. Hunter zero, I think you need to examine laws more closely/differently. (although the mere fact that I think that does prove your point about the law being an ass!) I really didn't want to get into this again, but hey ho... Firstly, recommendation of 22LR for fox - I didn't, and I wouldn't recommend it as a mainstay fox rifle. I have said that you need to keep the range short and put the bullet in the head (which amusingly the BASC also echoes, from your quote). I don't see the harm in points like that, even for new shooters, because it is true! Now, fox shooting without fox on your ti
  9. Yep, Canada geese are on general license, basically vermin, so blat the little shits whenever
  10. It is a good point. Personally I think we should always say what does and doesn't work accurately. I.e. Post God's honest truth but with all legal and practical caveats. Otherwise the armchair brigade will argue vehemently that a .22 can't kill a fox at all. The other thing with having all the information is that it highlights all the crap areas of firearms licensing, with fox on a vermin ticket being perhaps the greyest of them all... Btw John5, you can PM me now!
  11. What he said. One thing Hilux - I do have centrefires on my ticket for fox, and they're what I use for the task at hand. But I've used the 22LR on various places where I can't use a centrefire, and it works a treat.
  12. I can't be arsed to debate the legality of 22 RF on fox, save to say the only possible offence is the breach of terms of FAC. Whether this is going to apply is going to depend on your FAC, but the term 'vermin' is never defined for the purposes of the Condition, and foxes are considered by most to be vermin. Make of this what you will. However, in terms of effectiveness of the 22LR as a fox round, any who say it won't kill a fox cleanly are talking shit I'm afraid. Over the years I have shot numerous foxes with 22LR, and the simple point is this - keep the range under 70 yards, but the
  13. Not as a mainstay fox calibre, no. They need a Hornet or more really. Yes, rimfires work, but they're not ideal. Note that depending on the exact wording of your FAC and the way the Force licenses you, you may also (more than likely you do) need a separate condition for fox in order to be completely legal. I've discussed the law on this at length, and unless I get people moaning again I won't worry too much again now!
  14. Do me a favour please mate? Don't misquote me? I've said that I shoot ROE deer with a 243, and I use a neck shot to preserve the meat and allow me to use a fox type bullet as it saves me making two loads and re-zeroing. I've NOT said anything about a 17-pointer or anything like that. You may not have been trying to misquote me but please can you clarify this for the benefit of anyone else reading? In terms of a fallow, which this thread is about, a 243 will definitely work, and again, that's all I've said. I've also said there are plenty of other calibres...
  15. I have already given the 55 grain data your refer too John So you have, my mistake. Apologies.
  16. You know, I wasn't going to bother running up a 55gr load, but I think I will now... Take me a little time to get the components sorted out but once I have, we shall see! Now, one other point about this - when RicW said about WSSM, we are talking figures from reloading data, not chronoed stuff by him or his mate, so let's talk like for like shall we? In which case, the 243 most certainly does do 4000fps - go on Hodgon's website, search under 243 and 55 grain bullet weight. Now, I agree that generally you don't get published velocities, but mostly i don't have the same barrel length
  17. But the thing is you can hit 4000fps with a regular 243, so is it ever worth the grief? I suspect not, which I suspect is why it's died out PDQ!
  18. 243 WSSM is rare, eats barrels and I have heard talk of poor accuracy as well. So I'd avoid!
  19. Good shooting Snap, hope you nailed that 324 yard one, damn fine shot if you did!
  20. Generally a ragged hole at 100 yards. Certainly with pretty rapid shooting it was 9/10 in the vbull at 200 yards at Bisley the other weekend, and the one that missed was coz of the berk behind the trigger Load is 24.5gr N130 with 50gr Sierra Blitzking, col 2.25 IIRC.
  21. Of course it was, I think there was sarcasm there....
  22. I presume its .223, and your quarry will be foxes? My tikka with a 1-8 twist will shoot 40gr federal ballistic tips very well. Heavier bullets will drop too quick at extended range and will overpenetrate. The 64 grain federal soft point is aslo an accurate round I find. Hi Jonty, what do you consider to be extended range? We've tried a lot of different bullets in Deker's Tikka, which is also 1:8, they all work well. The light bullets run out of puff very quickly, so for the extended ranges I would use something a bit heavy and dial in - it will be much more accurate due to the bette
  23. Yep, but that's actually an expanding round. The A-max is a tricky one - it's designated for targets, but is actually basically the same as v-max. They worked out that the high BCs of the bullets were good for target shooters too
  24. Thanks for that, I will be looking at factory rounds Initially, just wondering If my 1 In 10 twist rate would be suitable for a lighter head......Without getting too technical Mine's a 1:10 currently (Coyote LIght) and the 70gr is all I've had through it, but it works a treat. My old RWS had a 1:10 as well, and that shot the 58gr to 1/2" @ 100y.
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