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Everything posted by youngshot

  1. Hi, as it says above I'm not exactly new but I am having a simple problem with the picture that shows on the left-hand-side when you make a comment, my problem being I can’t find where to change it from! I don’t mean the personal profile picture I can change that quite simply. I would appreciate it if someone would help me with this problem, thanks. youngshot.
  2. So deer hounds aren’t capable of taking any type of deer? Or is it just that there are other breeds that are more suited to taking the smaller species? (am not trying to take the mik I am interested. Thanks. Youngshot.
  3. I no that you did ask for "what type of x's" but my instant reaction was that if you were wanting a dog that could take deer (pre-ban) then surly the deerhound would be perfect as they have been bred to do this specific job, or am i missing something? youngshot.
  4. Some great replies here! I took your " set the dog up to fail" advise, and took him to a local duck pond with a loaf of bread and made him sit wile the ducks walked around him and he soon got used to it. I did this a few days in a row then I walked him through them to heal, also just be pure chance I was walking him to heal off the lead and a covey of partridge flushed about 10 yards in front of us, got a bit excitable but didn’t move. so thanks a lot guys it seems to be sinking in.
  5. Well basically enjoyed shooting/hunting from a young age, and always wanted my own gundog. When I got to 16 I was allowed my first gundog. I decided to get a male working cocker. He is now 13 months old and so far has been a joy to train, he just wants to please. The only problem I have been having is if I’m walking him and a something gets up then he is off. It doesn’t matter what I do he isn’t interested in me until he knows there is no chance of him catching whatever he has just chased off, and then he retunes to his normal obedient self. I was told to teach him the stop whistle,
  6. I’m not trying to be cocky or anything, its just am new to rifles (but interested). So my question is, is a .22 (rimfire) adequate for lamping foxes? and if so, up to what sort of range are they adequate?
  7. when I was training my cocker i was told by a well respected local (with 2 well trained Springer’s) that a 212 was the best and is used by most field trials trainers, because it is the only one that doesn’t change pitch whether you blow hard or soft, it just gets louder or quieter, this makes a more consistent noise and is easer for the dog to recognize. I bought one and my dog is responding well. Youngshot.
  8. your dog looks great v-max. there good little dogs, i have just got myself one from Mr openshaw and he is doin great. cant seem to get a picture posted but i think i have managed to make him my display picture.
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