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About youngshot

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Near Doncaster. I forgot to add that there are no wheel nuts included in this sale, and that all 5 are fully ballenced. i have found a pic that shows the wheels when i was runnin grizzly claws and i got another pic from google showin the tyres. i will try attach them both.
  2. I am sellin my 5 kingpin extreme trekkers (insa turbo style). They are 235/75/15. 4 of them are on 15" deep dish alloys from a daihatsu, and the spare is on a steel rim. The 4 on alloys have done just under 700 miles and the spare has never been used. I will try get some pictures up soon. open to any questions. £350 ovno.
  3. Dont know what you guys are talking about. i can see them, and they look great!
  4. Just read it. 3 pages, its about the biggest article in it. A good step forward!
  5. www.basc.org.uk Try this website, go into "departments", then "game and gamekeeping". There is a sections link on the right hand side, click on "gamekeeping". Go to the sections link again and click "gamekeeping as a career" I hope that helps. youngshot.
  6. This is an old picture of a 3/4 grey 1/4 beddy, my dad says its the best dog he has ever had! strong pure fox dog (pre-ban) croped.bmp
  7. i get the feeling you've posted in the wrong place mate, try in the running dog scetion,
  8. am with you mate, i cant seem to be able to do it! hope sumone helps us out. youngshot.
  9. got any more pics mate? what mud tyres are they? av got a mate that mite be interested.
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