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Wild Whippies

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About Wild Whippies

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    Born Hunter

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    Whippets and whippet racing.

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  1. Hi Lulu, your welcome to come along but this Sunday is our Open event so you might prefer to come along on one of our club days where we can spend a bit more time talking to you about racing and getting your dog used to the goings on. I'd still recommend you come along to the Open as it'll give you an insight into what goes on, just wouldn't want you to think we neglected you as a newcomer when we'd just be busy that particular day.
  2. You've not mentioned any of the dams but just wondered if she was a sibling to Rooster Booster? pedigree: http://www.thebwra.co.uk/cgi-bin/geneal.pl?op=tree&index=23241&gens=5&db=bwra.dbw Your best bet for contacting the owner would be to sign up to K9 community and drop her a private message. Member name Amanda Worcestor.
  3. I don't believe they're lacking in anything. Dogs fed high protein feed will expel a certain amount of protein that isn't being used by the body. Older dogs don't utilise their food as well as young ones which makes their poo the most ''attractive'' :sick: Altering the feed, I feel doesn't stop the habit. Think of working dogs like growing or hardworking men, their need for high protein food in insatiable. I think when you accept the dog is basically recycling, you can understand there's nothing lacking in the diet and that's why nothing works. However........ let them do it and it'll be
  4. I suspect it's a blocked salivary gland (see attached pik) the reason being because of the location and the sudden onset of swelling, it resolving then re-occuring. The duct that discharges into the mouth can get a constricture, swelling builds up and pressure can become substantial enough to cause the gland to spontaneously discharge into the mouth. When the gland is emptied the constriction can return as the duct shrinks back to normal size allowing the problem to recur again. (think of it like a kink in a hosepipe) Treatment depends on your vet. Personally I favour leaving them alone and o
  5. There's a virus going round that I know a number of dogs have had. Symptoms aren't the classic diorrhea and/or vomiting and only clues we've had was the dogs acting odd, refusing food for 24hrs and poo with a small amount of mucus. If your dog was suffering from this, and like I say the symptoms aren't obvious it maybe the dog has had a funny turn because of that. Other possibilites: I've seen dogs anoxic in racing. (a lack of oxygen to the brain) The fact you described the dog as drunk is very classic in it's appearance. When I've seen it occur the dog will stagger and stumble and depen
  6. Wouldn't dream of lining a bitch at 12 but it's common within non-ped whippets for the bitches to only be lined following a succesful racing career i.e. 5 years old and beyond. Personally I feel it's more a matter of birthing being slow in it's stages in a geriatric bitch due to hormonal changes. The only time with our bitches we've had a ceaserian was with an un-planned mating. However it should be noted the non-ped whippets have a naturally large amount of muscle mass and observing our older dogs, I would say muscle wastage only starts to occur when the dogs enter into double figures. It's
  7. Wessy runs every Sunday from 1:30pm. Postcode is BL5 2DH. Feel free to check out our thread in the events section. Highgate also have lurchers running and also have a thread in the events section. Not sure how often they run so get in touch with (I think) Sky on here. Non peds have clubs running across the country on grass flapping tracks. If you let me know whereabouts you are I'll get you in touch with one of the clubs organisers as a lot welcome lurchers. Best of luck to the poster from Ireland. There are a few clubs I know of doing flapping for lurchers over there. I think for those c
  8. Bend Bonanza Other events added to the card: 650yd (6 bends) race for lurchers 275yd race for Afghans (pedigree or non-pedigree) 275yd race for Salukis (pedigree or non-pedigree)
  9. Club racing and trialling this Sunday from 1:30pm :thumbsup: WESTHOUGHTON GREYHOUND STADIUM MARSH BROOK FOLD WESTHOUGHTON BOLTON LANCASHIRE BL5 2DH Don't forget the BWRA NorthWest Bend Bonanza is on the 20th February so get your dogs ready! :thumbsup: Check out our main thread in the events section on here.
  10. Club racing and trialling this Sunday from 1:30pm :thumbsup: WESTHOUGHTON GREYHOUND STADIUM MARSH BROOK FOLD WESTHOUGHTON BOLTON LANCASHIRE BL5 2DH Don't forget the BWRA NorthWest Bend Bonanza is on the 20th February so get your dogs ready! :thumbsup:
  11. I bought some at Christmas, thought it would be nice for the kids to have on New Years Eve. OH went mental cos he says they're a liability to dogs, livestock etc along with the fact it's a fire hazard. So to shut him up, I trashed them. Went on the moss yesterday with my young whippet pup, comes across a lantern and grasps the rim in his mouth while the ring itself was under his chest and nearly cut himself open as he went to sprint off with it. I then went round and cleared up some others I found on the field. I think the tribute to the man's death was a touching one and I wouldn't want
  12. Bathe them in salt water every day for about a week. Sometimes the dogs skin bacteria can hinder healing so this knocks any of the negative bugs off. Then give them a good covering of sudacrem, massage it in at the end of the week for a few days. You'll know if it's working because the skin on the ear tips will become softer wheras I imagine now it's feeling brittle and if you rub them between your fingers, the fur comes away in little clumps. Because sudacrem is a barrier cream it tends to protect the ear tips from the cold whilst simultaneously moisturising the skin. It does tend to be a c
  13. Absolutely rotten luck and I'm so sorry your lads had to experience his dog being injured. It's impressive that he coped so well at the time, I've seen many a dog go down with a break at racing and their owners literally fall to pieces. He certainly sounds like a sensible lad and I imagine he'll give Jet the best of care afterwards. Wishing you all the best of luck with Jet's future. Time is a great healer so don't loose hope yet.
  14. Additionally on Sunday 20th February we'll be holding BWRA NORTH WEST BEND OPEN Sunday 20th February 2011 NORTH WEST BEND BONANZA Westhoughton Stadium, Wigan Rd Westhoughton Lancs. (M61-J5) Westhoughton (A58 Wigan Rd) Lurcher Racing Under 23" & Over 23" run off to a Supreme Final Also fun dog race over 75yds for any non sighthound breed Saluki Class (275yd) Afghan Class (275yd) Entry race fees £4 per dog entries taken up to 12 noon All enq to Jacqui Glover 07852 328020
  15. Just to let folk know, racing is back on Sunday afternoons from 1:30pm Some photos of last weeks racing
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