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Everything posted by 243_stalker

  1. Tikka T3 light with Mod (not sure as to a T8 or wildcat????) with a £500 - £800 on glass ,........what glass do you reckon...could stretch to a £1000. Thought about the steyre Pro mountain but for £300 more than the Tikka Im not so sure...
  2. Just thought I'd let you know that the Devon & Cornwall Firearms Dept sorted out my variation (6.5 x 55 for Deer AND Fox) within 5 working days....now thats fast.
  3. a very good friend of mine has a 6.5 and yes you have made the right choise i have shot this rifle and it is very good round!! iv seen him shoot a red at 370 yards and pull it straight down!!! he has this rifle in a sako model not sure which one but i know its a very good rifle!!! hope you get the rifle you want mate happy hunting Another vote for the 6.5 x 55 had mine for 7 years and shoot 60+ reds a year - however not stupid enough to take shots out to 370 yards - have too much respect for the deer I shoot (generally to 200 yards) My rifle is a Blaser R93, my two fellow stalker
  4. Ive been banging my head against a wall for a week or so and have decided to go for the FAC variation for a 6.5 x 55 rather than a .308 for the Red Deer. Tell me I have made the right move ??? what grain / make do you use on the Reds, I would like to use the Tika T3 6.5 x 55 for foxes through to Reds...whats your thoughts please. not bought the T3 yet but the variation is in for the 6.5. shooting out to a max of 200 yards, has the 6.5 x 55 got the punch required ???
  5. The HMR is good for foxes under 100yards, i have dropped 2 in the last few months, see you tube " fox control". A great addition that i have found is the 17 .22 .22WMR Wallet holds 30 rounds and is cheap as chips on ebay and saves carrying around all those rattling boxes.
  6. :gunsmilie:The HMR is good for foxes under 100yards, i have dropped 2 in the last few months, see you tube " fox control". A great addition that i have found is the 17 .22 .22WMR Wallet holds 30 rounds and is cheap as chips on ebay and saves carrying around all those rattling boxes.
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