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About paul71pc

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  1. Thanks for the reply, air is not escaping, it's filled from a divers bottle, I have fired off about a 100 shots to see if the gauge on the air riffles knackered, it gone from 100 to about 50 on the gauge. Unless the gauge on the gun is knackard
  2. Looks like the t bar section is missing, the part that holds the female filling adaptor on
  3. Just brought a second hand AirArms S410, it seems a different filling point than my last s410 and won't fill the riffle up with air.
  4. It has still not turned up in the post can you send me the delivery companies details and the delivery reference number, payment was cleared on the 8th of March, so I would expect the gun to arrive buy now.
  5. I will let you know when it turns up in the post
  6. Mark, Sent the money for the BSA Super 10, my boy is looking forward to trying it out
  7. Thanks for the welcome guys, I just have to try and get some more land to shoot on Cheers paul
  8. Hi I have just joined the sight, after stumbling across it on Google, when looking what color filter to buy for my new Clulite. I have been Air riffle shooting for about 2 years and I have got a Airarms 410, I live in the southwest and would be keen to here from anyone in the southwest area. It looks a real quality sight and have spent hours looking at the various pages Ta Paul
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