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Everything posted by warrener

  1. warrener

    My lad

    me dads just started to learn him self with cd s and books looks quite hard sounds terrible
  2. hahahah [bANNED TEXT] ill show u in the winter [bANNED TEXT] i car bloody wait 4 it

  3. gonna be a good night out
  4. cheers to every 1 who wrote somethink positive
  5. [bANNED TEXT] i went fishing not to a dog show (think before you type)
  6. i went to millride in essintion yesturday i caught a 10 1/2 lb mirror carp
  7. i no its in the wrong section but never mind and by ther way yesit is a carp
  8. hi folks i just wondered if anybody has been fishing at millride in essintion i caught 6 fish in 48 hrs and lost 1 my biggest was 10 1/2 here is a pic sorry but i could only get one
  9. you cheeck b*****d earthy man cheers for the lift
  10. well ask your dad when he's going to give me that old collie x he's got in that pen behind your house??? no no no that old dog is in the house he loves it when i get mine ille show you a proper dog ha ha!
  11. well im no anti and me dad would have to look after my corner but it worked he said your all daft,by the way earthy your nick name not mine its dogas son ha ha.the warrener.
  12. your all full of it,sit there by your computers,seeing is beleiving not hype.
  13. welcome whats you like doing then
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