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Everything posted by njc110381

  1. I'll take it if it hasn't sold. Got the money here waiting.
  2. Why would you be banned for being a member of both sites? Usually you get banned after a few warnings and you don't work with their rules. I supported BG on the original post over there - he never did anything to offend me and seems like a decent enough guy but this is a bit rude. Funny how PW was fine and you all visited the site before you were banned hey? At the end of the day I actually quite liked some of the guys that were banned from PW, John being one of them. But nobody can say they were banned for nothing. And quite a few are decent blokes. Same could be said for any site. T
  3. Hi guys. I'm looking for a set of medium blued Optilock mounts for my Tikka 595. I would prefer a set but could be interested in just the rings or bases if that's all you have. If you've got some spare could you post up how much you want for them? Thanks, Neil
  4. Phil - don't worry mate! I've got 52grn A-Max, Benchmark and Varget, primers etc. We could even try running some 35grn V-Max through it just for a laugh although I don't expect it will like them. Seriously, it's all sorted. Once you've knocked out a few loads you'll be able to do it with your eyes shut! It's as easy as driving to the shop and buying them! Just let me know when the loader arrives and I'll be over to sort you out with your first lesson.
  5. And yet you still waste your time phoning them? Why? It's not a legal requirement.
  6. That was my thought when I saw the picture. You're so lucky that it happened so far away from your hand! What was the cause? Plugged barrel at a guess? Hope you're ok?!
  7. I wouldn't even bother considering .22-250. A .22 Hornet can down a Fox out to 150 yards. A .223 double that. If you want to go for something even harder and flatter than that then go for .243 as it's very similar to the .22-250 with the major difference that it is Deer legal. You never know what may come up in the future so if you're going to burn that much powder you may as well make use of it. The .243 will send a 55grn bullet up to 300fps faster than a .22-250 can!
  8. I think a 16" barrelled CZ American is the way to go. As someone else said, the heavy barrel is a waste of time IMO. I really rate CZ kit. It's a little rough around the edges but there aren't many people out there who've had trouble with them. I've had five of them now in various calibres and I couldn't fault any of them! Maybe the trigger is a bit poor on the rimfires but it's easily fixed with a tenner kit from Rimfire Magic!
  9. A tub of powder costs about £50 these days. The .22 Hornet uses about ten grains per load and a .223 uses about 25. So you get less than half the number of loadings per tub if you go for .222 or .223. Having said that if you just want to buy factory ammo then the cost difference between the two is small. Hornet is hugely expensive for what it is, but then I suppose the bulk of the cost of factory ammo is brass and bullet rather than powder. You'll only really save money with a Hornet if you reload.
  10. What sort of range do you think you will need to shoot Foxes at? Although many may disagree (including your firearms officer even, depending on what force you're under) a .22lr will kill a Fox out to 40-50 yards or so quite easily and Rabbits out to or so sensibly. Ammunition for that is cheap, as are rifles. Energy from a .22lr is about 100ft-lbs and a body shot wont ruin the carcass if you want to eat the Rabbit? Rounds cost about 10p per shot. Then you've got .17HMR. Another rimfire that will give you more range on the bunnies (150 yards) and about the same as a .22lr on Foxes. Body sh
  11. I guess the main question is what do you want to shoot and at what range? If it's Rabbits, Crows etc out to 150 yards then the HMR is brilliant. I've got a .17 Ackley Hornet. That's a 100% home load round, factory ammo doesn't exist as it's a custom round. That will kill Rabbits and fox out to 300 yards. As for the .17 Remington or .17 Mach IV I really don't see the point? Too much powder burnt for very little gain. Get a .22 centrefire IMO!
  12. So, to save me diving into your profile, tell us a little more about yourself. Do you work your dog? Shoot? Fish? I'm going to jump on the male bandwagon and welcome you to the forum, but without mentioning........
  13. I'd suggest that unless you're taking quite long shots (120 yards or more) then the bullet will most likely break up. I think what may be going on here is that the sonic crack makes it across to the hedge and then when it gets there it kind of deflects the sound around a bit? I've been led some way away from a mate shooting a HMR and sometimes it sounds a bit like shotgun shot has hit the hedge next to me? It couldn't have been fragments as I was well off to the side of him. I'd spend an evening only shooting away and see if anything gets said. If she comments then go and have a friendly c
  14. I'd say he needs one of these..... http://www.snipersystems.co.uk/id50.html Supposedly they can be fired like a pistol so with a long bipod he should do ok?
  15. I've got a few moments I've captured that really stick in my mind. A Whitetail Buck I took with my .375H&H in Canada two years ago.
  16. My pet RFD had a few of these rifles in to try a while back. They seemed like a good plan until he had one cut down to 16". You'll be shocked at this, but the hole in the barrel wasn't in the centre where the cut was made! Now to all the experienced gunsmiths among us I know that the hole is never exactly in the middle and a screwcut should be done in line with the bore rather than the outside profile of the barrel. BUT.. This was well out. I mean like 3mm of steel on the narrow side and 6mm on the other. It was shockingly bad to the point of not being able to be screwcut! My advice, drop
  17. Good luck with the application. What did you ask for and for what reasons?
  18. I find this a tough one. It was after all the tories who banned handguns and also high capacity shotguns and semi auto rifles I think. I hate to say it but what have labour messed up so badly? This recession hasn't been half as bad as the one back when the tories were in power! The BNP have some good ideas but they are near on extremists! I like my curries, and englishmen can't cook curry!
  19. Nice shooting fella! I've pulled off some pretty exciting shots at about the same range. 250 yards was the best I ever did on a bunny and that was with the .22 Hornet. Without rangefinders and dialling in the scope I think that's quite a good effort. I've matched that range with my Ackley Hornet since and every time I'm really impressed with myself! I admire people who can pull off really long range shots on small pests. It takes some serious skill!
  20. Hey guys. I've just heard that the new range facility from Gloucestershire Gun Company is open from now and I just got my invite for their official launch party over weekend of 12th and 13th June. Alastair tells me there will be a range of new guns to shoot, including the latest R8 from Blaser and the new .338 Lap Mag Barrett!! Give him a call for an invite as I'm sure he'd be happy to see you - 01285 740898. With a bit of luck I'll be there zeroing the new .338 Win Mag I've just ordered from him. If that's not in yet I'll probably take my .17 Ackley Hornet or the combi gun. The range soun
  21. .25-06 maybe? I know the obvious choice for a Fox rifle with the odd Deer chucked in is .243. That's what I'd suggest most of the time myself. But with Sika? They're pretty tough nuts to crack aren't they?! If I was in this position I don't think I'd be comfortable using something that can struggle to shoot 100 grain bullets well. I'd just want a little more weight. Not a huge amount, but a little more. I always feel that .243 lovers are a tough bunch to reason with. Yes it will do the job, but there are better options IMO.
  22. I've shot them with 12g, .22lr, .17hmr, .17ah, .22h, .223, 6.5x55 and 7x57. They all died, but were progressively more obviously dead towards the end of the list! For just Fox I agree, the .223 is brilliant. EDIT... And I should add I'm still not an expert. Far from it!
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