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Everything posted by borderterrier

  1. Having read the posts on "FF" yesterday and today IMO that its exactly these sort of people who, over the years, have ruined so many excellent breeds of terriers. I know next to nothing about ferrets, but it looks like its their turn to go down the road to ruin. Less and less work, more and more show. Keeps, hope you've had the darning needle out last night and fixed those jeans. :11:
  2. A bit technical but..... http://www.thedogscene.co.uk/articles/gene...inebreeding.htm
  3. Nightwalker, I agree, the internet is unsafe, only if you are doing something illegal. If you go about your business within the law, discuss it, get the pics posted,no problems. OK the antis might not like it but tough. There are far more unsavory things on the internet for people to worry about. If you're breaking the law you're hardly going to broadcast it to the world. :ph34r: Tancho, i don't know anyone on here either, but they seem a good crowd, some good topics get discussed and if you post a question you'll usually get an answer fairly quick. Stuff the antis, if they don't like it
  4. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your dog do the job you've bred it for, when the one doing the judging is the one that can bite back. Some of the best times you'll ever have are miles away from shows/trials with possibly only one other person to see it. Priceless !
  5. Nooooo, they look far to intelligent to be antis :11: :11:
  6. deffinatly need one spot for all poems instead of scattered all over site. Keep'em coming.
  7. Sounds like Admin needs a "Poets Corner". Post your poems and share them with all. But keep them smut free, no rude rhymes, etc. Dogs/hunting/general field sport only. I'm sure there is dozens of budding poets out there.
  8. Swamper, if they did them in human size, there would be MP's willing to pay a lot of money for one. Sad thing is they would enjoy it. :sick: :sick: :11: @ CharlieC's link
  9. Bantam, with you living in Leicester perhaps your advert should have read something like this : Pest Control. Rats and Rabbits caught live, and dispatched in the Halal way. Sure to have been printed, and made you a few bob. Sounds like the paper doesn't know what they're talking about and are hoping you don't either. Good luck with the pest control, try taking your story to a rival paper if there is one.
  10. Ah yes, the Border Terrier and it’s working qualities. A much-discussed topic, you either love them or hate them. If you hate them, why? Chances are you or someone you know has bought a one (or you’ve read one of that Plummer persons books) and it has failed at every task. Where did the dog come from, or rather what did the dog come from. It always makes me laugh when you see a pup for sale “Excellent for show, pet or workâ€. Stay well clear would be my advice. Over the last 50 or so years the breed has become more and more popular for all the wrong reasons. To the point where pu
  11. A WORD OF WARNING. If you have a 100% Ebay feedback rating check your "My Ebay" every 2-3 days. On 2 occasions the old man has had his account hijacked, both times by the yanks. They cracked his password then changed the account email address then created a new password. On the 1st occasion they listed a 1969 Corvette, and the 2nd time a fridge that looked like the Tardis. It is always a 3 day auction with a very reasonable "Buy it now" price, only accepting "Paypal" as method of payment. The idea being you "Buy it now", pay for it and then they are off.They always use a Hotmail accoun
  12. Worth a look if you're thinking of buying an air rifle http://www.reviewcentre.com/products9.html HW77 and 97k seems highly thought of.
  13. Excellant photos. A good mornings work. Although i wouldn't have gone public about getting knocked up. :11: :11:
  14. Have a look a the link below. http://mint.ippc.orst.edu/blackvineid.htm A good site for foliage eating pests. Various treatments available, but get rid.
  15. I'm sorry, but ever since the 1974 FA Cup final humilition (Keegan 2, Heighway 1, Newcastle 0) i have a little smile to myself when Liverpool get beaten. Gutted again last night Good to see Harry Cross & Terry Sulivan are still in peoples minds And not forgetting Tony Bliars father in law. :11:
  16. Ah yes, Brookside, who could ever forget that. Some more Liverpulians with dodgy relations:- William Patrick Hitler - Nephew of Adolph Hitler who was born at 102 Upper Stanhope Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool. His father operated a restaurant on Dale Street; a boarding house on Parliament Street and a hotel on Mount Pleasant, which failed. His bankrupt father left his wife and son and returned to Germany. William Patrick Hitler later emigrated to the United States, settled there and joined the U.S. Navy during WWII. Tony Booth - well known son in law. :sick: :sick: :sick:
  17. :11: @dEs. lets hope its a Master class in football from the Italians. Anybody care to compile a list of things Liverpool has given to the world(apart from dodgy 60's pop stars)and compare it to the Italians contribution. I know where I'd rather park my car.
  18. And here's me thinking it was going to be a serious post about frogs, DOH! nice one
  19. Thanks Tom and JD. Anyone from overseas like to contribute ??
  20. It would be interesting to hear from anyone using bows/crossbows for their hunting. How accurate, and how do you rate it to shooting.
  21. Goes to show that when the English meddle in Welsh things they make an @rse of it. Sorry for the duff info lads.
  22. I agree with Shaun v. He must want foxy for his own amusement :mamba: :mamba:
  23. Lets hope they get well and truly stuffed next week. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../19/ixhome.html
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