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Everything posted by borderterrier

  1. Don't you just love Ben Bradshaw & the RSPCA. Tail Docking The RSPCA says dogs rely on tails to communicate with each other. Depriving them of this removes their ''best means of expression and balance - cosmetic tail docking is brutal and unnecessary.'' I think Mr Bradshaw's sexual preference is "brutal and unnecessary'' :sick: , but they ain't banning that.
  2. Waddy Wadsworth's later book "Vive la Chasse" (1989), was the better, IMO. Both a good read. If you can find a copy, the 2nd edition of "Wanny Blossoms"(1879) is quite nice little book. (the 1st Ed doesn't have the hunting (otter & fox) and doggy tales in)
  3. borderterrier


    I agree with Mucker and J Darcy. Stick to the classifieds, there is some good gear on there from time to time. Anyone looking for some reasonable stuff could do a lot worse than start there. (After you've checked the classifieds on here first) As for the topics, there's some right pratts on there.
  4. Where would we all be without Google ! worms
  5. Reality check time. Don’t think for one minute if/when the Tories get in things will be as they were. I’m fairly sure the Hunts will get back to the way they were, all be it under some form of licence, but your average Terrier/lurcherman will be the sacrificial offering. (yes, even the Tories want to keep the Anti's happy) IMHO if you ain’t connected to a Hunt you will remain shafted. Opposition parties are great saying this that and the other, but when the crunch comes they are full of sh1t as well. EG, The Tories introduced VAT on domestic fuel, the opposition screamed bl
  6. After reading through this topic, one huge question remains unanswered. Wheres MOLLY ?? Has she been booted off for being a naughty girl ?? :search:
  7. It does indeed Mr Darcy. http://www.pg.com/science/haircare/hair_twh_22.htm Looks like a bag of frozen peas strapped to the head is in order at bedtime for me. :whistle:
  8. See EDRD Feb 2005, pg29, for a review of this book.
  9. This article is i believe in the reprint of Bristow-Nobles book but not in the original. http://scm.pastfinders.org/scm_03_brock.htm Reprints of the following are widely available and are quite interesting but i suspect you won't learn anything new.
  10. How did we get from this, to the current state of this topic. A simple request from Ian, turns into "my dads bigger than your dad" shite. Good luck to all involved with the Patt. site, another one to add to the favorites list.
  11. Look out for a Kentucky Fried Squirrel opening near you soon. :11: Not sure about the Turtles, i know someone who breeds Tortoises, I'll ask if he's got one for the pot. :whistle:
  12. We've got mole's springing up all over at the minute. They seem to get active at this time of year. The field at the back is like a bomb site. Could be these little critters.
  13. The punishment for getting caught poaching is, £100 fine, £20 court costs. :ph34r: Oh yes, and you'll probably suffer a lot of p**s taking on here.
  14. I'm confused(it doesn't take much), in this post your knocking borders and in another your knocking knockers ??? Sounds like a lot of knockers to me
  15. http://www.sportinglucasterrierassociation...s%20history.htm And this made me chuckle. "The Sporting Lucas Terrier is a modern breed with a well-documented history. The breed is named for Major Sir Jocelyn Lucas, MC, KBE, MP, a Baron's son with a keen interest in hunting dogs. After returning from World War I, he began breeding Sealyhams. Concerned about the increasing size of the show-bred Sealyhams, Sir Jocelyn began crossing his hunting Sealys with Norfolk Terriers. With his partner, the Hon. Mrs. Enid Plummer, they carefully developed this small, workmanlike Terrier, designed t
  16. Ive used Photobucket and found it very good. Upload your pics on to it, then, single left click in the "URL" box, should highlight it in blue. Now right click in the blue area and select copy. Back to your post,where you want your image click "IMG",( next to "http://".) When you click "IMG" paste the link into the box that appears, click OK. Your post should now have the URL with
  17. Ive been asked by a friend if i would be interested in shooting rabbits on the Golf course he plays on. (the last chap died at the start of the year) Just curious to know if anyone on here has shot rabbits on golf courses, and was/is there much more hassle compared to farm land. Obviously after dark is more practical than daylight hours, if for no other reason than to avoid the Pringle clad bores. Would be interested in any comments.
  18. :ph34r: He'll be writing for Shooting Times next.
  19. On a similar theme, This is the fattest spider i've ever seen. 3/4" at it's widest. Found this on the old fence.
  20. Where's Dave Harcombe gone ? No sign of him in this months EDRD. Unless I've flicked through to quick. Or, he might be Ibiza living it up.
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