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Everything posted by alexewers

  1. You can get it on line if you know what its really called ie septi-cleanse
  2. There is a new rfd opened up in braintree essex. He doesnt carry much stock at the momement but what ever you need he can get it in at very keen prices and excellent customer care he is located at MAP UK Unit 12 Lakes Farm Off Queen Borough Lane Rayne Braintree Essex CM77 6TE Every thing i have had of him including new guns he gets within a couple of days even if the main importers/manufactures havent got one he will still find it, so for going the extra mile i am more than willing to recommend him . If you do go to the website it doesnt list any shotguns/firearms or ammunition yet b
  3. some people dont deserve a firearms certificate absolute stupiddity
  4. why do you want to kill the pheasants ?
  5. Look at the Dam And Sire of the pup's, If both are small dog's There is a Very good chance you will get a small springer. Also why not just get a cocker, then you are definatley going to get a small dog? cheer's That last sentence isn't entirely true, at the start of the 19th century small springers were called cockers and large cockers were called springers. One of my cockers is as big as a springer and he is only a year old so still time for more growing yet You know what i mean, You are much more likley to get a small dog if you go for a cocker Yeah i
  6. Look at the Dam And Sire of the pup's, If both are small dog's There is a Very good chance you will get a small springer. Also why not just get a cocker, then you are definatley going to get a small dog? cheer's That last sentence isn't entirely true, at the start of the 19th century small springers were called cockers and large cockers were called springers. One of my cockers is as big as a springer and he is only a year old so still time for more growing yet
  7. Just took the dogs for a walk and when i got back all the presents for my kids were there and he must of recovered from his left and a right unless he was just making you feel better fireman lol Are turnips still legal tender in norfolk lol
  8. sorry to here about this i will look in my area i no im in north wales but near me there is a site as to say that i have seen stolen dogs there and ferrets to. its like loseing a child this lets hope you find them and get what they need one thing i hope to do with a lot of help from every one in the uk is by 2010 is try to seeif every game fair wil check all working dogs as they come in to the fairs ie all working dogs today are all chipped it only take a seconed to to scan it and the person with it has to tell them the address and name of the dog. it may look hard but i dont think
  9. the essex union hunt but can't remember what time they meet in galleywood
  10. You say he runs wide, this is normally a sign that you have been taking the dummy to early off him. Your right to go back to the corridor, but if you through a dummy outside, try to do it in a door way at home first and with plenty of encouragement on the return. Once he has these perfect take him back out into the field, and find a gap in a hedge to through a dummy, this will funnel him in back to you and hopefully produce a good retreive. Hopefully that helps If you fancy a trip to braintree one day i will be happy to try and help in any way i can all the best Alex Ps what do
  11. And in 6 months time the goverment will admit that they got it all wrong again, how do they believe that we can trust them any more
  12. where abouts is the permission and how big and what can you use / take if its not to far away i would be interested
  13. alexewers


    [quote The police are meant to be there to protect people from threats of violence, which they haven't done in this case... If that happend then probably half the people on the planet would be locked up at some stage in there lives
  14. alexewers


    Becase most police wouldn't have the facillitys to store the dogs, and they could have taken the vehicle as well
  15. alexewers


    Ok if we arev going to go through the whole thing it does say he was on a public road at ten pm but he also states that he had been at a friends house for what ever reason then he must of gone home in his van and on his way home he pulled over to let his dog have a wee. well my dogs can go on a car journey without needing a wee anyway supposing the dog was desperate hence the need to pull over ok it wont have taken ten mins and the use of a lamp especially if the dog was on the lead so some thing just does'nt sound quite right and remember there is always two sides to a agument i will leave it
  16. alexewers


    In making threats like that the keeper was committing battery (could be assault, can't remember which). You don't have to even touch someone to commit this. Just making threats can lead to a charge. I can't understand why the police didn't carry out their duty and arrest him. Quote It is assault, but how can you prove what the keepers said, thats the problem. Without proof its your word against theres. The only thing the police can go on is that they phoned them and you had a lamp , dog and you were on land that you had no permission to be on. Thats probably why no action was taken a
  17. alexewers


    It's not all about driving around feeding birds it is a very difficult job with extremely long hours and for little money, but if you are in the right then dont accept a caution as has been said, and like comanche said his dogs can piss in the dark and so can mine on command without the use of a lamp
  18. alexewers


    Your best bet if what you are saying is true , is to leave the keeper well alone after all they have a difficult enough job without people antagonising them. After all you were on land that you did'nt have permission to be on, shining a light around with the type of dogs that you own and by your own admission you have been caught by the police before and then you talk about your solicitor in one post and in another you start talking about joining basc or sacs .S A C S incidently are subject to abit of in fighting that may well see the organisation implode .If all is well then you have nothi
  19. I think it's umbelievable that in all, of this 20 years of development of the so called breed of your friends that none have been trained as a gun dog ?. So it must have either been a accidental mating or was it just to create a new fashionable show type purely for the money. I think you should hand this project back to the men as it was clearly going no where when they were in charge
  20. hello and welcome most of the people on here are very helpfull
  21. hello and welcome most of the people on here are very helpfull
  22. hello and welcome most of the people on here are very helpfull
  23. hello and welcome suzy ill let you play with me and ill be gentle with ya Not if Mr sweepy has his way. Hello and welcome suzy, some times i pop on here from pigeon watch under different usernames
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