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Everything posted by bigoy19706

  1. hi all what it is i have just had my jrt bitch mated buy a lakeland dog the bitch is 7 years old and this will be her 2 litter she was last coverd 5 days ago and from than she has been bleeding heavily theres no large amounts of blood just lots of drops all over my yard she has never had this with any other season do you think the bitch could have miscarred or would it be to early to have a miscarriage
  2. i think im just going to go with the old thera-band gold twin 20mm straight cut and 12mm lead been looking at them lead moulds on ebay
  3. i have jus made some 30mm straight cut singles going to try them
  4. hi all what is the best set up for [BANNED TEXT] hex nuts i been shooting them for a bit now and im not killing as much as i was with stell BB the last bunny i shot was in the head the from the motor at about 12ft away and it just ran off FFS im using twin 20mm to 25mm thera-band silver cut 20cm long i cant get on with tubes so would like to get a good flat band set up do you think i might be shooting to much rubber for hex nut i was told the other day just use 12mm lead that might be what i will do
  5. selling this ash catty walking stick if any one wont it £20 posted it a good thing but just dont use it
  6. the groove at the bottom of the forks are for the arrow fletching to pass throw pass through the arrow shaft sits level with the tube ring i did not wont a whisker biscuit as the catty ammo would hit it
  7. yer small end at pouch but i wood not bother tapering them any way just make the band snap faster
  8. no i dont think so just a bit of fun realy
  9. one of the best wood there is for cattys
  10. dont bother with the taper been told it make them snap faster and i have been using thera band silver and it seem to last longer might just be me
  11. get the [BANNED TEXT] nuts and put them sideways in the pouch
  12. twist the pouch works for me never hit my hand with one but can hit f##k all with them any way
  13. the fork is a metal tool hook i removed all the soft stuff in the antler and put in a hard wood rod http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281081587961?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  14. twin theraband silver 20mm on a little willow natty with [BANNED TEXT] nuts
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