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Everything posted by midnight

  1. damn them ad mag waxed jacket .a good waxie would have handled aloty more stick.. i know what your saying stabs and you are right but a more normal size dog falls in the 40 somthing catagree in my experiance which is more than likly the case less than yours.. those pits i know of game breeding are some serious animals and they guys that breed them are not far behind. iv nothing to proveby name dropping or ped quoteing soi will leave it there.
  2. get um posted mate i wana see them im sure every one else does to..
  3. "wascor" your a lead eh ?? i thought the poodle cros had bin done with about % of the bedlington blood out there ? i see where you are coming from and it is fun to poke fun at others thoughts and ideas , we had a good old laugh at you remark and took it for what it is.. i got ragged by two pits that where pure game bred , they got at it in a kennel fight a year or so back.. one got me on the arm and the other got my fingers . i was lucky as i had 2 sweat shirts on and a waxed jacket . but the dogs teath still penitrated the coat. the other dog only got a light grip of my fingers
  4. intresting what you say about the irish x whippets as i had thought of it years ago . or even the paterdale x greyhound . why not do it as mostthe bedlington x lurchers out there come from none working bedlintons im sure .. duno about the weaton x lurcher im sure there a1 workers but you have to admit they look terrible . of topic here but the same thing has crossed my mind before with boxer cros greyhound as our family has had boxers years and they will make a good workinmg dog , with the germans using them for cattel work and proper guard work .. even the boar lads use them for pig w
  5. .alot of probs is the prices dogs fetch ,the fanciers paying inflated prices have pushed them out of reach of working dog men whos gonna pay 500 upwards when they can be killed/injured.the people that still have the breeds are keeping quiet and are starting to cross breed as suitable working stock vanish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> do ay know iwas just out with the bitch having a look about and the same thought came to me how the fook are you gona get an irish with out paying like you say £500 for it and if i do pay cont money for it and its shit or gets killed etc what then ? duno
  6. lucky man . i have a muntjack barking at me from the wood oposite my cottage hes biging to wind me up with his moking calls the f*****g lamp is as flat as an africans tit and i cant find the charger ... i think im gona be buying a new lamp in the next few days. and we shall see what this pup of mine can do with quarry her size lol.. all the best and well done again.
  7. i argre with you guys about working ability of modern types . carreg mate just chill abit mate i already said that im not able to work terriers "proper" thus the questions .. i duno if i read it rong mate im sorry if i did , but it sorta came acroos like you where trying to belittel me there mate . again sorry if you want .. (i hate forums they allways seem to bring out the worst in folk) i know rabbiting int alot of folks idea of a good day out with the doys but i do like it and there is alot that do. but ratting has goto be evryones idea of a good laugh it seems to bring out a real b
  8. lucky b*****d . i never get on land like that .. that hind leg looks smashed to bits mate .. not a critasiam but do you recon it was over dogged lol nah im just jelouse realy as iv never been as lucky as you to have such good ground .. well done
  9. hello fellas i sure you wont like me taking up space on here that a good digging post might of used , but , i know most of you know your stuf and would have an opinion on what the state of afairs is .. what happened to working terriers of old ? breeds like the "glenomall" "the irish" the "welsh" "kerry blue " etc etc i know most are to big for digging work , and that the kennel club f****d up the breeding so that they are lookers not workers but why did they fall from favor . ? breeds like glen omall terier and wheaton seem to have been over taken by the irish staf or wiorki
  10. this is bought on by the thread on bull breeds section realy as there atre some awsome weatons on there. iv never realy had any contact with weatons in any sence . i did talk to a guy in irland last year that swers by them as pure or as lurcher x. the storys he told me about them realy did get the joices flowing . o im asking realy for any body with experiance of them to tell us about them and what to expect from them . why dont you seen many of them ? it would make a nice change from all the bull cross stuff we all have and love. all the best matt
  11. i know of 5 pus in total oen bitch went back to the ownwer of the stud dog for there lad she turned out racie that lad lost intrest and sold her she had just started to work. 1 dog pup went to a friend of the family its not a working home but he does kill bits and bob out with the hors so more a test of trainablity and nature with a family type existance. 2 ant g has . we know where they are at. and the pick bitch that went to milton as said about 4 times before . shes doing the biss and out did her self when last i talked to the owner . sadly he changed his mobile number and i lo
  12. These dogs were bred to make us happy every time we walked into a field day or night to tackle any quarry that might turn up a true allrounder, also to have a temperment which made them exellent loyal family friends. all the best midnight's wife...
  13. ok lads i know what your saying but your missing what im trying to point out , which is that i bred them for my own use and as things somtimes happen it dint work out that i could keep one for my self .. its your right to "put me in my place" and all that but . i was breeding them for a perpose and it did work . i know full well that every pup is differant and all that as well and its full visable in the 2 brothers ant g has in turns of build. im glad we all dont see the world throught the same eyes . and i know mine might be way of base for most tastes .. at the end of the day i
  14. yeah it is and im sure i will get tones of sh1t over it but as i said maybe not for you all but for my needs they will... im not a big head realy i just put loads of energy into finding the right dog for ther job and i worked the arse of the bitch for a few years she never et me down.. i was looking for a balance between the two halfs that would comploment each other with out compromise of either half. ie speed we knew they would have as the stud is true bred with baggs of speed and agility . also blessed with brains to match. (cant realy go into that but needles to say in a working se
  15. i know what you mean ant but you have 2 halfs of him with you now.. i will tell you somthing thaty might help you enter them pups more to bite back quarry .. the sire floyd in the avi pic was slow to start graft , this was put down to his nature (as he realy is a steady and gentil dog) but at 18 months he changed and was grafting to a extream level.. his sister was extensivly tested in irland and found to be very hard if not to hard . she still works with terreires now and then but is seen as very valuble as a brood bitch. i have seen um both go a bit and they are amasing. im convinced that
  16. no shes pure whippet mate . the older x is the collie x lakie . i was just using the older dog as a make dog for the whippet bitch as they get on well and work as a good team.. ant do you recognise thwe dog on my aviator ? looks formiliar...
  17. thanks skinny rat for your concern i will bear that in mind !!!! thanks royston for seing my point ... ant mate they look great (as i know they would) but i do favor the blackun hes defo still my faverate.. been out ferreting again with the bitch today not much doing as it was about -3.5 she was good again then we when ratting on a pig farm i have permision on. we dug with the whippet and a collie x lakie we dorrowed (truly awome ratter) and killed 6 of the biggest rats i ever saw and a young pup rat the dogs got shreded by these monsters and the bitch marked and dug with the older x
  18. ay up ant hows it going mate ... hows them pups? ahy im glad your here mate trhat means i actualy know somone on here lol.. as soon as those bull pups prove them selfs i have a fantastic bitch to go under one of them.. shes as fast a bitch as iv seen and is a solid worker.. first time ferreting last week and excelled her self. get some pix up of those two lads i bred as i would love to show off with them ha ha.. all the best matt
  19. lot of views no replys ? bolloocks i was hoping for some good feed back or even bad .... oh well if you guys could keep your ears open and your eyes i would be very pleased..
  20. allright biys im midnight .. its the dogs that brought me here but im into the birds to. been doing it a few years had some good laughs and some good sport from it but i dont have time to get ouit much with them now so only have one that i neeed to sell.. flown a few birds , il do a list ... female sonoran haris. kestrell (common) male and female lanner sparow hawk. pere saker female. sakeret . saker falcon. perlin (male peregrine /merlin hybred) female harris . musket 9male sparrow hawk) sakeret lanner red tail (mates) pere lanner (mates) german male wild caught goshawk (
  21. hi guy i was woundering if any one has anything from nidnight kennels ? we did a few litters over the last 2 years . im only realy looking for lurcher pups we bred .... 1 the 2nd gerneration whippet greyhound / collie whippet greyhond x whippets .. they where born just under 2 years back in feb... blue father black mother .. and the first cross bull whippets out the same bitch to a prper rednose pit... they will be about 12 month now.. out of the 23 pups she prodused from the 2 litters im in contact with 2 owner one from both litters .. but i lost contact with the owner of the be
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