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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Keep at it , it's how all good things begin .... An idea ! I think if you forge it a little you will get the most coverage out of the stainless, press it into the shape of the blade more , more of it visible at the end .
  2. Griff I like the idea !! I've never done it intentionally but I'm told ark welds have nickel in them or can do .(it's visible and bright in the billet ends of Damascus and viewed as waist) Lay a nice thick layer of weld all over both sides of the carbon . Heat and hammer it flat . Anneal, grind, heat treat, temper, polish then etch you have San Mai Japanese constructed blade . San Mai mean made of three in a loose translation . I've avoided saying it before but blue is to soft , it's spring temper and softer than edge holding steel , I appreciate your getting and edge but it won't last unf
  3. It's because it's good carbon steel with a hard temper and the blade cross section is fine / thin. The finer the cross section the better it cuts , the down side is its prone to snapping or chipping out the edge because of the hard temper . As kids we snapped them loads ! Openiels aren't hard working knives there just cutting tools . Really hard work they will fall to bits , but I believe they where designed as utility knives so a very very good design that stands the test of time . Use the original fieldcrafter as an example . We wanted a knife that cuts fine like a razor . (Higher sabre g
  4. Yep every last one !!! Made from baked bean tins and car bumpers !! Little bit of luxury there ?
  5. There will be some for sure but I need a couple of thousand to invest in it first ? I have real issues with getting the heat treating done, as of yet Iv not had confirmation that the large company I use in Sheffield will do it . All ways seem to want really big volume at once ..
  6. Pics visible ?? Thanks hpr. I'm over run with orders for the more high finished version of these . I do by think I will do the slightly plainer version of them again . I did a little more work on the black and green yesterday . I'm going to struggle to part with it ! It's like a Gillette razor now ?
  7. The only stainless steel I think is worth using is rw34 its a super steel and about as advanced as steel gets . It's really expensive and needs a really expensive heat treating done professionally, also it's cryo tempered in liquid nitrogen ... I think k I would go carbon and just clean it well after use .
  8. Sorry guys I need to pay photo bucket for an up grade .... Sorry il sort it asap
  9. couple for sale here . midium and large of my new design (lots more to come) large is 11" total lenght , 5.5" blade and 5.5"handle . 5mm o1 tool steel flat ground with a micro bevel cutting edge . black and olice G10 handle brass tube fittings . 3.5mm leather belt carry sheath . very sexy this one i was going to keep it for me but need the dosh . £110 posted first class recorded delivery . next a midium with red and black dymond wood handle brass fittings . 3.5mm leather belt carry sheath and scandi grind on 4mm o1 tool steel . study the photos the handle has grip groo
  10. couple for sale here . midium and large of my new design (lots more to come) large is 11" total lenght , 5.5" blade and 5.5"handle . 5mm o1 tool steel flat ground with a micro bevel cutting edge . black and olice G10 handle brass tube fittings . 3.5mm leather belt carry sheath . very sexy this one i was going to keep it for me but need the dosh . £110 posted first class recorded delivery . next a midium with red and black dymond wood handle brass fittings . 3.5mm leather belt carry sheath and scandi grind on 4mm o1 tool steel . study the photos the handle has grip groo
  11. I hate it ha ha . Not really , I dislike the economic side of the job . In a few weeks I will have organised ordered and paid for some laser cut blanks . They are all ways popular and allow people to just crack on being creative with handle and sheath design , effectively the steel work is all in the bag and good as it can be . I won't be offering that in the Damascus tho. Not many people will pay what it costs so it's not viable . If I had the money I would 100% just pattern weld steel. Sell blanks , flat stock , billets and finished blades. There is nobody in the uk doing it and I t
  12. Hi guys thank god that didn't go badly ? Any of the Indian damascus stuff is just a visual quality . True Damascus or pattern welded steel is going to cost you . It has to, it costs so much to make . As you know I'm changing how I work , and as such doing real costing for stuff . I reckon to make a billet big enough, out of the right materials to make your knife would cost around £70 that's not the blade just a lump of steel you could then make into a blank . So if I can, let me break it down to portions . You need maybe 2x o1 tool steel flat stock and x3 equivalent in 15n2o nickel steel
  13. Patterd ales that's great ! Really nice to see another fellow knife maker progressing !! Can you and anyone else do me a favour ?? Please please please don't buy that type of Damascus ..... It's indian made stuff , imported mostly by a shark called James noble (he changes that name all the time ) It's not made from any known grade of metals , certainly not carbon steels like it should be . The production of it is worse than any sweat shop anywhere in the world , made and sold as "tourist/souvenir" product only in Indian but sold as top end "Damascus" world wide . This isn't
  14. I have sold everything listed here . I have one medium blank I'm doing tomorrow so the round about answer is yes . I wasn't planning on doing file work and liners on this one , but can do if you would like .
  15. They aren't ready yet Mr . Some parts still haven't arrived . I now know why hand makes are so expensive !
  16. Thank you tiercil. Things are moving quickly guys , I'm selling out before they are made . Orders coming out my ears ! I parted with a small fortune on handle materials last week . I would say all in materials cost over £500 last week alone ..... Lots of pressure !!!!! I have a few more designs I'm more than happy with including my friction folder . That little shit stands me at a £2,500 investment of time , computer aided design ( that was a waist as that design was scrapped) labour and materials , and all I have to show it a working model made of ply and ally !!! But ....... The model i
  17. I dunno how to do the link . It comes up fieldcrafter-uk fieldcrafter-uk See if this works https://m.(!64.56:886/home.php?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.(!64.56:886%2Flogin.php
  18. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm53mCOQTR8
  19. I like my belt linisher best . Iv used or tried pretty much everything you guys mention at one time or other . If I didn't have the linisher I would got jap combination whet stone . 240 grit and 100grit cost you maybe £40 and last years and years
  20. Just the kukri left for sale . Facebook page is again active to search fieldcrafter-uk and send a request .. And 5 blanks of the new design heat treated and all materials on order .
  21. Thanks guys . The fieldcrafter-uk Facebook page is active again so if you where on there it's great to be back , if your not send a friend request . I love the interaction you get on there , all of us with a common theme , a love of hardworking crafted tools
  22. Soon as I have some steel Phil . Thanks Liam they are much better than the pictures , I was really frustrated they didn't photo as well as the look in the hand .
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