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Everything posted by midnight

  1. yep they are either creach reared or imprinted you deside . there is no chance of parent reared cos ther mums and da are rearing gyrs eggs. i will be getting them first week of may so from then on mate they are ready for sale.
  2. lincolnshire mate not far out of grantham on the a52. as i say they are still in egg form at this stage but they will soon be with us. they will be dna tested breeders rung and supliment fed on a good rich diet.
  3. they are nice! ok got a rough price list here this is a starting price as the longer i have them the more food time and training they will take there fore cost me more. gyr sakers : fem £240 males £150 pure sakers fem £170 males £120 they are as cheap as you will get them i promise you . i thought i got it wrong with the gyr saker males and i did the lowest last years flew was 2lb and that was due to hot weather, he averntualy went at 2.5lb i have some pics but they are not so good (i dint take them) of the gyr saker male as follows and a vid i will try
  4. hello lads im selling sakers and gyr sakers for a friend that breeds for the arab market exclusivly. they have 10 eggs in total 5 sakers and 5 gyr sakers. the last 2 sakeretrs we flew where between 1lb 12 to 1ld 10 i will be imprinting or creche rearing them from 10 days after ringing and dna testing is compleat. the sakers are very blonde and i have flown a few of them myself , they are very airial and bouyant birds . the gyr sakers are brown/grey again very large birds i think 5/8 3/8 towards gyr males last year flow at the 2lb mark taking rabbit . both the sakers and gyr saker f
  5. i feel for you mate its not nice at all to lose good dogs you love. all the best with the future dogs and i hope you get what you want. hope you dont mind me asking there is some serious diferance in the types of dog you want , they all have the same look but get bigger and bigger. personaly i hope you get the wolf hound as i would love to see one working all the best matt
  6. midnight

    Dead Swan

    piss poor for you breeding guys but us falconers can expect to get gyrperegines at knock down money this year. birds going cheep me thinks best get saving .
  7. coolsite moley i will bare it in mind also. i reraly liked the mini man trap on the image section. you have some amasing traps in your collecton.
  8. i see chuck noris likes bear hunting to. chuck noris does not sleep he waits!!!
  9. thanks mate i thought i should post the other pics wile i can. this one is the old tyme bitch.
  10. hello lads just learned how to post pics so thouight i would post some of me two dogs. the whippet is the one i WAS gona sell but have given a repreave. she is coming on so well we desided to keep her and work the bollocks of her . we will be at selby having a race and show of the bitch , might see you there. image shack wont let me add any more pics yet so will ahve to wait to see the other pics
  11. jst about any 12g is suitable for pigeon and rabbit mate . you just need to find one in your budget and one you can shoot hapy enough. good luck mate i hope you have alot of fun. all the best
  12. midnight


    there conts to breed tho im told and litters are small . so i spose good show stiock is worth the price. not my taste tho me bulldog would eat it
  13. there not so hard mate . after you have trained one you will say i not know what all the fuss is about.. its time with as gos mate getting out there every day thats the hard bit . everyone allways comes up with a plan about that one aswell . but i promise you it will be the time you need to spend with it that will do your nut in not the bird.
  14. good man . its hard to find any one that still flys pr goshawks.
  15. you will go imprint then mate. i was thinking i could about do an imprint males finnish or female german /finnish imprint as i do profer imprints and its not all about hunting with them. what sora money are you selling yors at. all the best matt
  16. cope the bird man she must be strugling to feed with that . also running the risk of cracking . good going tho all the best
  17. well lads and lasses it that time again. we all start thinking about last seson and think what we all might want to try this year . as some might know iv flown birds for a few years and had my share of diferant types . i love falcons buy always think i should try more hawks .. it wont be long before this years young filter on to pages like these and the cage and avery starts to fill up. i gave up last sesion erly cos of time issues and said i would wait a year or two before buying another . but as you all know the feeling i just dont think i can not have a bird this year.
  18. fantastic well done mate what was the total catch
  19. midnight


    yeah i can vouch for ants wormers . i had them loads of times . just as good as drontel but alot cheaper . good bloke you can trust him.
  20. i agree . very clear and sensible answer.
  21. what do you guys do when you catch a badger or otter in a snare ? iv seen them both in action and i would not want to deal with one . i know this is a sencative topic but i think we can be open about the reality that it does and can happen..
  22. what is the justification for such culls is it purly pest control or a sporting venture? also what sort of density is there of these things ? is there no fear that culling at this level could lead to total depleation of the race. iv seen vids of australian fox controll and the guys is taking about 60 foxes a night on sheep farms . that sorta speaks for its self as to see that many in one place indicates there are major prblems and a huge threat to sheep numbers. is it a similar problem where you are ..
  23. midnight


    some fight vid well worth a watch not for the faint harted..... http://media.putfile.com/Pride-Knockouts-Part-2 http://forum.ebaumsworld.com/showthread.php?t=24711 http://www.fightvids.net/content/kimbo2.wmv http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1030/ http://www.enwhore.com/movie/1878-Kimbos_H..._Lot_Fight.html http://www.yikers.com/video_felony_fights_iv.html
  24. thats fantastic mate im well impresed with that. that scooby dog aint much good is he i wish i knew how to make a littel web site like that.
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