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Everything posted by midnight

  1. here you go one done up tactical ! same type of blank, with the blade cut to differant shape with 2 layer wrapp of 550 paracord , therma plastic sheath made to measure with para belt loop. iv got one of these and hang it from my neck . but you could cord it to anything, lamp battery shoulder strap what ever . the sheath will hold the knife upside down to . £45 posted for this bad boy
  2. here you go one done up tactical ! same type of blank, with the blade cut to differant shape with 2 layer wrapp of 550 paracord , therma plastic sheath made to measure with para belt loop. iv got one of these and hang it from my neck . but you could cord it to anything, lamp battery shoulder strap what ever . the sheath will hold the knife upside down to . £45 posted for this bad boy
  3. they will be on here first 1 NUMBER 1 AND 3 SOLD THANKS GUYS
  4. there shifting now guys dont miss them ! 1 and 3 sold also the damascus !
  5. yep got some mini hellmandos ready soon , iv not priced them yet but im aiming to make them afordable !
  6. just the damascus one is sold . the top for are all available . iv donr a tactical one with sheath tonight il post pics tommorow ! all the best ,matt
  7. thanks again . iv just finnished one of these so will post pics tommorow , as it will be up for sale its sheathed and handled , might help you to see how one looks when there done . and there is a skilled fella willing to handle and sheath these in small numbers . so dont be put off . damascus sold ! all the best matt
  8. theres more up now mate look for the laser cut blanks thread on here . iv got camp knifes comming soon nothing as big as a parang tho sorry .
  9. thanks guys alkl still available . all the best ,
  10. yes mate i sell loads but there has been great intrest in blanks latly no money about i spose ? there will be some big and small up for sale mid to end of next week . with a tactical hunter/bush crafter style fully finnished . pm me your email il send a link to knives iv made . i have a very skilled fella on here who can and will finnish them to a really good standard . i can pass you on to him if you wanted one finnishing ? all the best , ps if things go my way you will be able to come on a course with me and forge your own kinfe start to finnish , learn about the steels used and why ,
  11. hello again 5 blanks in total this timei just want to say sorry but it is first come first serve as usual , some on here don honour agreements and i got left with items ! so there are 4 laser cut and one hand forged damascus blanks. the laser cuts are as follows . over all length 8" handle and blade both 4" they are cut by the laser from 4mm 01 tool steel . then proffesionaly heat treated in a saltbath and tempered inbetween plates to keep them straight . HRC scale of 57-59 so they will hold an edge longer than most but still sharpen when you need to with out power tools. then i cut the p
  12. hello again 5 blanks in total this timei just want to say sorry but it is first come first serve as usual , some on here don honour agreements and i got left with items ! so there are 4 laser cut and one hand forged damascus blanks. the laser cuts are as follows . over all length 8" handle and blade both 4" they are cut by the laser from 4mm 01 tool steel . then proffesionaly heat treated in a saltbath and tempered inbetween plates to keep them straight . HRC scale of 57-59 so they will hold an edge longer than most but still sharpen when you need to with out power tools. then i cut the p
  13. blues are my favorate and id pay more to have one if i had to , if its from working stock why not look to breed your preferance ? i think the blue fenominon is well over with whippets and staffs these days ! and we just looked a blacks a fetching more money than blues !!! i dont understand the critosisum re colour . if i was after a terrier id want a choclate fell to .. and id happy pay for it .. good luck with your litter , there are some nice work studs on pets 4 homes web site . all the best matt .
  14. the good ones are allways miles away and come up when your skint ! he looks very nice and with a trail im sure he is the business . im sure this dog will find a great new work home . all the best , matt.
  15. they are very nice i think i will placve an order in a few days !! all the best matt.
  16. nice one chris i like um sharp !! this next lot might be the sharpest iv ever done ! they have a single bevel like a sameri sward so stupid sharp , a mate if mine said he never had respect to knives until he had one of mine and he is to scared to use it ha ha its like a 15" scalpel.
  17. ah thank you . im pleased your happy . enjoy !! ps have some bad ass ones coming any day soon.
  18. hello if you count from left to right only 1 and 3 are available now gents thanks !
  19. if you number them 1 to 6 counting from the left i have number 1 and number 3 available . if you follow ? i might have to edit the photo in the morning . all the best matt .
  20. edied to show only whats left . some good knives can be made from this lot . not one of um is not able to be modified or customised by your own hands
  21. thanks dom . iv removed all the info and pics of whats sold so its easier to see whats left !
  22. just the paracord wrapped and blanks left gents .
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