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Everything posted by midnight

  1. its to cheap int it .. i need some new equipment so needs must . all the best , matt.
  2. are you the fella that has be phoning up and heavy breath down the phone at us ???? only joking thats is a very proffesional setup indeed .
  3. all sold thanks guys , thats it i wont have any pnned blanks for sale until i can work out how to make it pay . all the best , matt .
  4. all sold thanks guys , thats it i wont have any pnned blanks for sale until i can work out how to make it pay . all the best , matt .
  5. yeah i like that to . i reckon you will sell them easy !!
  6. weird double the catalist and put it somewhere warm that should do it , heat seems to make a big dirreance to it i find .
  7. i have 4 left mate that i can do in the hellmando style mate , i know you like them .
  8. i use sergical elastic tube in red double it up proper power , i can use stones much larger than normal catapults . size biger than a concer down to normal small shot . it will punch right trough a squirel drey and keep going . i fired a stone about concer size straight up in the air on saterday and it was up there for 10 seconds (timed)
  9. im not part of this at all but a total newbie to the pults ... if those pics are genuine ... NICE f*****g SHOOTING !!! me and the lads went out saterday and fire over 1000 shots and got a duck and a pigeon , and that was because one lad had a rifle !! i need to come out with ANY of you guys that know what your doing to learn . i shattered a fox skull yesterday after 8 shots from 15 yards .. thats right im awsome .. i need to learn more about this stuff it looks to be more than capable !!
  10. iv got some but use pigment mine is 1-1 ratio and sets stupid hard in 15 mins . its has iv shot it with fac air rifle and not much happens !!
  11. thanks guys , he is a little machine but not a meat head . he is more a terrier than bull in mentality so would probably not do alot of good on arable but thamk you again for all the offers . pms on there way .
  12. oh yeah the dog is sociable (human and other animals ) he is under control and will work any cover , has a great nose to .
  13. hi lads iv shot all my life so not a nood tw@ asking a stupid question so bear with me .. i have a 10 month old bull terrier (miniature ) that has taken to hunting but as yet been unlucky , i bash the dreys with a cattapult and hope to get squirels for the hound . if i had permission with dreys id go alone but dont so wonder if anyone would be intrested in taking us out ? if i send a rock into the drey the squirel will bolt you shoot it dog retreaves . if there winged thats fine he needs to understand they bite back ! i live on the boarder of lincs and notts anyone local fancy letting us ha
  14. your welcome daz . give it a rub all over with 240 grt paper and 400grt it will have a nice matt finnish . good luck and remember there is no stupid questions and im happy to help .. all the best .
  15. i wish i had the dosh , great gun and price for all that kit !!
  16. bump . make me an offer via pm you might get what you want at a price you want !!
  17. its just craftsmen selling there wears in the craft diy section . i agree maybe there has been to many for sales on here of late but i do allways put them in the miscolaniouse section too, but it never gets any attention ? i do add work in progress photo documents on here too, to show the craft and how it is done as well . to be fair it works in here, argueing etc hardly ever happening , i think if we run the section right it should continue to work , it seems smoother than on alot of the forum ? i for one will show more "how its made" on here from now on to ballence out the sales from cra
  18. bump . make me an offer via pm you might get what you want at a price you want !!
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