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Everything posted by midnight

  1. the collection grows !!!!!!!!!!! 6 weeks or so and we will have to do that compatition we discussed a few months back !!
  2. yeah o1 is great , it needs to be annealed tho (soft) it drills well shapes up and easy to work with out power tools . the heat treat is important but i offer it free of charge if you guys cover all the postage costs , as pert of that i will serface grind the blank to 120 grit and temper how ever you want it , rock hard , spring , ever defferential if you like .
  3. your pal will have some fun with the dog i reckon , so many cubs about already . with the weather and cover this is gonna be a bumper year i think !! the cubs we have seen are really grown on already , with big bellys and thicker brush than last years , it must be the weather ? good luck with him he does look a really nice dog . all the best , matt.
  4. thanks for the info guys , i genuinly learned something about the breed , when me and mrs get back on our feet and can have the bop about the place again i will look into the breed , but we already have a very complicated breed with very small gene pool and know just how hard it is to find stud with low genetic coeficients . i hope they take off and more are imported in the future , price i have no coment price is the price , vislas and brittanys are similar priced and falconry dogs are pretty specific in my mind . good luck with them , i bet they have a hardnes in them that the stalking / wi
  5. thats good a usful tool to , i might have to make a few more of them i forgot i even made it ha !!
  6. i like them kev , the bottom one has a wicked handle profile !! very nice work again .
  7. that is nice !! solid looking to . have you attached the liner with its own rivets ? nice idea not how there usualy dun but its a great feature that will never come apart will it !! you have a tallent i think and im pretty sure your gonna give me a run for my money in the not so distant future !! all the best , matt.
  8. yeah its beautiful stuff , and the black/brass looks very classical and refined !! whats next after this bad boy ? there is so many lads on here doing this now its great to see , we will have to have a knife making weekend or something where everyone who comes can partisipate , cant do it at my house tho , if any of you guys know of a farm with out buildings etc that has power etc i can bring a forge or two and the big grinder and we could have a great time of it ! what you all think ?
  9. thanks gents just gonna do all the pms now !! im more than open to offers with any of the others left !! all the best , matt.
  10. buffalo horn is my fav ever material to work with , you probably will be able to buy a whole horn off ebay for very little !! and with the curve of the horn and handle a good chance of a nice fit yeah i like the idea well worth a try and buffalo horn is realy nice to work by hand it cuts and drills well and as you know it will take an amasing polish , making micarta is messy busines and dust stuff to work !! try it brass and black horn will look beautiful i think !! and with the liners and black back fill of the file work it has a constant theme as well . its great fun this and its great you
  11. iv got a full set of cobalts drills and they will not go through hardened steel no matter what iv tried , ruin the drill bits and the heat effects the knife !! it was an error i made when constructing the original knife . not driolling it when anealed before the normalising sequences . the blanks was also a miniature of a larger greek copice i make that has a leather wrapped and sown handle . but he got it done and nobody would know it had been dremeled !! i think the learning through out this procces is worth much more as you solved problems and learn all about the steel used to make it !
  12. thats should be hard one not hard on can i be honest ? that wood is terrieble , if you can remember the damascus skinner i did a few months back the scales that cracked and came off where that exact same wood from the same batch as that , i actualy bought it because there big and i needed to handle large blades , so back to the drawing borad . you could allways make your own micarta ? will fit perfect then , linen is cheap and everything else that goes into it is to , you tube making micarta lots of vids , halfords sell fibre glass resin and the fabric cant be hard to find ?
  13. ok last few seconds or cheap blanks from me now till i become 100% full time , from now on all mine will have a makers mark and will be to the same standard as im spending alot of money on the machines needed to be proffesional . im working on 3 small swards and a few prototypes thats all from now , im selling my old grinder to cheap if any intrest ? and way here we go . number one , this is a little beauty i think , it is forged by hand with 2 very very old files and a medievil horse shoe made of wrought iron or bloomery iron . the construction is the shoe and a file welded togeather
  14. nice one steve im glad they got there safe and sound , il put a few more up on this thread later . all the best , matt
  15. thats a hard on , it can be a massive pain to find non standard scales . rob off here might be able to cut you some from exotic wood that will fi t? might be worth a try . still think its great !
  16. Do you know I bloody knew you would come out with something like that!! There is no "finest steel in the world" for knives all have their own properties and advantages, pros and cons. custom knives are simply that beauty bought to function, as a butcher I used non custom knives from a German factory!! And they saw and please believe me allot more that 300 deer!! And as for abuse in service well how can a butchers collection of knives (because that’s what it takes to do a professional job of butchery!) How can they take any less abuse? for example a boning knife if you are good at your job w
  17. thats is great work !!! id leave filling the file work till the liner and scales are fitted , let the serplus glue fill the holes , if you use the pigment in all the glue it will do the work for you !! this one is gonna be great !! im really impressed . all the best matt
  18. steel will only sort it out short term you will need to grind back at some point . im not sure a steel will do a gut hook very well unless its perfect fit . all the best , matt
  19. go for brand new o1 tool steel as it is anealed nice and soft ready to go you can drill it shape it the lot . single cut files are what you want and sandpaper from 60grit through the grades to 2000grit . good luck mate make sure you heat treat and temper is right and you will have a great knife forget leaf springs unless you have a forge and alot more tools the effort is not with the end product with reclame steel unless you know how to get the best from it !! i look forward to seeing what you make . all the best , matt.
  20. yeo its what i tell people to do , start with 240 grit and change it out once it begins to show wear , keep all the paper fresh what ever you wrap it round it will work better if its a hard object like a file , if you just put the fresh paper over the old it will cushion it a little . 240 grit to 600grit will see you right . be carful to keep the angle the same or you will round it off not sharpen it . all the best , matt
  21. i like the neck knives alex very nice !!
  22. i uesed to see them years ago and did some research on it , colour variations ocur when the gene pool is small , so whites gingas blacks and pieds all happen naturaly with out the theory that pet rabbits have escaped and bred with the natives . you need to introduce new blood as the mass extinction of you local rabbit population could be a reality as the genetic also increses / decreases imunity to desease etc , from what i understand shooting bucks and releasing fresh ones from only a few miles away will sort it out , its what the wareners used to do and look out for in there stocked land .
  23. thanks gents !!! pm on its way steve !! all the best , matt
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