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Everything posted by midnight

  1. Next up is my bush craft knife, I’m going to call this one “fieldcrafter” as is more fitting to those of use that hunt rather than camp. They are 5.5mm thick precision ground o1 tool steel and have a bush craft theme to them but with more than a touch of hunting and butchery influence to them. Everything that needs to be said about this style of knife has been said at one time or other , and I hold my hands up and admit that this is someone else’s style of knife but 100% my own design and take on it , we have a dropped pummel for correct hold !!!!! I’m sorry to anyone that disagrees with me
  2. i dont really know how to explian it .. being very consistant is hard ? im moveing away from custom and going into bench made knives more as my main income , custom stuff will be made as and when i have time or a design i need to get out my head , quality comes from consistancy and that is the hard bit , to build a workshop is hard to get it running like clockwork is even more demanding . i need this to go well so i can provide quality at a good price for you guys , and in return i can provide for my family . thats it really , its very taxing as there is no team to help me , so im director
  3. im not quite at loss but its a fine line , if i bugger any up im screwed . i wanted to say yesterday even tho these may look simple knives they are actualy at the edge of my ability and equipment , its not because of anything else other than i want each one to be the same as the last , just grinding a peice of steel until its right is alot easier than this because you have free movement to get it right , these have a set pattern and there is not much room for error . as soon as i can im getting more designs done another bushcrafter so there will be 3 , one larger hunter and a couple of small
  4. a little update that might go some way to apoligise to those waiting on orders etc . last week i was run ragged very very tired .on the way back from collecting the laser cut blanks from rotheram the car went pop , oil pump or something . well we limped home and got in some time round 2 am , we only have one car and the mrs uses it fopr her work and no dosh to buy a new one .. long story short we have borrowed the money and got another 10 year old banger . on top of all that i was so tired it was rediculous so had a break . i heat threated, tempered and serface ground 20 blanks yesterday
  5. hardnes is the only thing that gives you the edge. with out that hardness no edge if any will last no matter the quality of the steel . for the last 3,000 years humans have known this and utilised it . the down side of hardening is the steel becomes brital , so we temper . temper is a term that is used for a sequence of treatment that softens the steel so it is no longer brital and runs the risk of snapping . bladesmith and knife makers if there good will do a differential temper , where they will lower the hardnes in ares where it serves no benifit , (spine , riccaso, tip but not the edge an
  6. midnight if you can hing fire a week or so i have something for you lot with low budgets , get a stanely knife until then !! i promise it will be worth the wait !! all the best , matt.
  7. is it single sellect and ejector ? is it multi choke but just sold with the above cokes in ?
  8. no no kev i liked that sheath mate its suited well ! john and others just suggested i need to provide my own sheath handles etc thats all . your to busy anyway !!
  9. thanks you for that john , thats a lovely bob lovless style fighter you got ! its funny since i made the cable damascus knife , i can see i have come on alot. my fit and finnish is better , and my knives with my sheath just sits well with me (no offence kev) as a maker i feel like im refining my styles and finnish alot . and its great new to my ears that i may be of a simialar calibre to the greats at my early stage off career . some of you wont know but i took alot advise from john on what is expected from a hand made custom knife , and its taken months to adjust some of the basics to get
  10. bloody hell guys your turning them round fast and to a good standard !! another one that looks great , ready for some work this season . iv been out and taken a fair amount of game last week and need a new knife !! your inspiring me to get mine finnished !!
  11. i like that one !! your going to enjoy that one more than most , like pauls says one you had a hand in . your gonna want to get some wire wool on the blade to get that glue off ! weldone mate i hope you continue to enjoy making them !
  12. there for another day i simply cant eb arsed tonigh . having a drink with the mrs and a dvd , makes a nice change .
  13. well done liam for getting them done and thanks for everything it is all apriciated and will come in very very handy! well gents this is what became of the damascus stick tang blank that dint sell last week , looks pretty good i think feels great in the hand to . i like the sheath also simple but clean lines go along way !!? looks nice ? this one is nessa rose finnished busy from last weeks batch pear wood handle and one of my sheaths , i like this one but it fought me handling it ! and then big fours pair , these also fought me , infact all three knives have b
  14. its nice to know they are ariving on mass .. sorry to anyone that is waiting iv worked my self sick i feel so ill , iv done full days into arly hours a few time this week and its caught up with me , i found myself driving home from sheffield last night a 1.30am after a full day in the work shop with liam of this site . so as a result im going to have to say therewill be no progress til monday now as i have a bitch to take to hull to the stud tommorow am then my son is visiting all afternoon , and as i only see him for a few hours a month it come first . then sunday i ahve anothert knife make
  15. all done just finnished , just need to buff the sheaths a touch in the morning when the sheen has dried , 4 knives finnished and sheath in a day , can do better !! oh well thats a few more out the way bit of luck the other handle materials will arive tommorow , and i will get a go at this big game hunter knife , bar a few requests for small paunchers again i think i will alsmost have caught up . maybe one or two bush crafters to do but if you guys can wate a week i will have my own design back from laser cutting and that will help me alot . i hope you like um i have ordered 30 !!!
  16. thats great news fellas , all happy i hope ? have i ever mentioned a hate wood ? after this lot im only using stabilised wood if i can get it , i really do strugle with it . i just put a red stag roundon the damascus blank that dint sell last week and im pretty excited at how its looking , iv run out of time today for metal grinding so just handling this one and moving on the sheath making , note to big 4 you pair are done and nessa rose yours is to bar sheath which i will be up all night stitching up for you , and this mascus stag knife . all the best , matt
  17. its no problem the guy in the postoffice had no idea what it was ha ha . im sure it will be with you shortly , others in the uk have started to get theres . i cant beleave its as expensive to post to southern ireland as it is to say america , thats crazy . well gents the wood has arived , so its long day of handling bushcraft knives !!
  18. yep went monday afternoon , do you live in south or north ireland ? postage was something like £8 or something if it was south so went for the cheaper version !!! check has not cleared yet that only came monday to ! im haveing a bad week this week lots of things have gone tits up , all the wood for orders still has not arrived nor has the micarta etc for the other orders , i did a large cleaver for socks order yesterday and it cracked all over on quenching , and fell to bits when i was chopping stuff up with it ! i forged 5 up yeasterday so lets hope they come out ok today !! might be good
  19. you want lock tight in the thread of the corby bolts , that will lock them off . kevs right with the lanyard fitting , but i do mine slightly differant . just because if you crimp the tube wrong you have to cut the lot off and start again ! good luck with it im sure you will enjoy it !! this one has effectivly 8 miniature lanyard tubes in it , not one peened over , just shows there is lots of ways to go one with the job .
  20. every one liked that one !! i will have to buy in some more micarta and liners . looks like you have good taste dave !!
  21. thanks gin . knowing how the woodlore's are made , what of , grind etc there is nothing but a name that seperates mine from theres , and a massive price tag of £400 - £600 i dont know how they justify them ? even hand forges damascus or mosaic would not come in at that price . i would want mosaic blade, walrus tusk or mamoth tooth handle with a world class sheath for that money ! each to there own i spose , but how do you dare ever use it ?
  22. hi penny , yeah its the plan for next year to stand a couple of shows . to have a well stocked stall will take me months to get organised and finnished , thats ok because i think it will be very quiet around xmass and after . and anything that dont sell will sit here waiting . its taken me all day to get all the parcels wrapped triple checked and then down the post office , and once that was done it was ordering the laser cut blades , (that is one massive job very expensive to do and long winded ) its done now and in 1 week i should have 60 blanks here !! its alot of pressure because it the
  23. agreed nice job done !! has it seen action yet ?
  24. well i have to post this lot first !! then i have to get a "big game hunter" finnished off for "born to hunt" off here (this one has caused me greif ) then look through all 3,000 pms and work out whats ordered etc . i have a couple of guests this week so thats a couple of days spoken for . im waiting on some timber to finnsh off some bushcrafters that where ordered , there sheathed but just need handles . im gonna finnish off the unsold damascus stick tang with a red stag roll and sheath that , and iv been slowly working on the nostalga knives some of the older ha ha fellas asked about ,
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