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Everything posted by midnight

  1. the last damascus of 2014 . reshaped ready to go £65
  2. Thanks gents . I might have to wait a little then . All the best , Matt
  3. iv got a mini ebt ,bred them for 7 years now , kept back pups and worked them with varing degrees of sucess , the one i kept has a great nose and can fid stuff . i love the type pictured on page one i would happily import one of those !!
  4. jesus whats the chance of paying for some of that ????????
  5. There nowhere to be seen on my small permission .. Started at 7 this morning and got 3 for 3 shots by 11 .. The rape is well on but they don't seem interested . Just cruising round as if there on benefits ha ha Any ideas what there feeding on ?? Not much wild food left now , but maybe not cold enough to resort to eating the rape ?? I believe they don't kike the rape they just eat it through desperation in the cold months .
  6. you would hate it , im a right prick to work for ha ha . iv forged one spear head , it was a winged flemish spear head , random as hell and took about 30 attempts to get right , the guy just said make it sharp and full size , so i did , went to deliver it and he took me stalikng for the evening , turns out it was for sticking boar , the guy had killed them all over earth as his hobby , its gets weird tho , he does in in full medievil clothing in teams of re-enactment types . he never uesed it he said because it wasnt correct !! cheeky twat , its f***ing hand forged ?? anyway , a weird st
  7. just for the sake of variety i thought i would try a new title the "HAND MADE KNIVES" has been done to death ha ha these are made by a small team of robots in my garden shed .. lets give them an letter and number this time so i dont get confused with pms from the last lot . A1 10" over all lenght 5.5" blade . blade is w2 from a quality file , handle is leather, buffalo horn. red stag and marlee burr. 1.5mm leather belt carry sheath with press stud fastening . 3/4 flat grind with micro bevel for easy sharpening . £70 cover paypal fees and first class recoded postage uk only.
  8. Yep I got you on the list socks , I think il order enough steel for 4 so I have one spare ....
  9. Let me try again . I need to order some steel so will look at that tomorrow . There's enough of you interested to make it worth me trying again ... The cost of that steel is going to make my eyes water tho . I have to buy half meter lengths . The handle on the one that got away wasn't right for my eye , not if I'm totally honest , funny thing I'm make this stuff up as a go along with customs but have something very specific in mind when I start .. I was about 85% right in that one .. Iv got a better idea of what the pit falls are now . But that grips gotta be right . There blade heavy th
  10. Done deal ? Just the lambs foot Damascus and two plain carbon left ... New advert next week
  11. Never seen a bucket version of the ammo folder . There great ! My son would love them !!
  12. That's good news rabid . It's a sexy knife that one ! Rex can you pm me mate ?? In about bladdered ha ha
  13. I think he is sort of confused (the tutor) there's pretty much only one way of heat treating , heat and rapidly cool . Some steel is air hardening , some water and so on . The same as tempering , some steels need heat to temper others cold (cryogenic tempering) I work along side blacksmiths , there understanding of carbon steels the hardening and tempering is pretty limited and confused . Just the same as my forging skills and General metal work , they can forge things I can't , but they can't select steel correctly or forge a good knife for toffee . There pattern welding is terrible to ,
  14. Oil , whys that ?? I rarly use water hardening steel and even then I use oil
  15. Cleaver chopper isn't going to happen this time !! Out of 3 blades I was working on today 2 haven't made the grade and are snapped in the scrap bin , the chopper was one of them . Long story but that one is never going to happen . I managed a great knife from the blade that survived . I'm just making a sheath now , then I'm getting pissed !! Long day today and it's doesn't seem worth it ! Iv had to make a heat treating gas forge from scratch then list the two blades and all the money on materials and time ... It's another day tomorrow right ??
  16. £20 each .. I won't be making super cheap like that again , I made them as a reaction to some posts on here , it iv lost money on them !
  17. That's a stainless blade . I'm pretty sure you can't patina it ?? Most the household food products , brown sauce , mustard , Lemmon , are either alkaline or acidic reactions to the steel . Lemon is acidic . For etching or a mark you are going to need really strong acid to even touch it . The acids I use to etch my Damascus don't even touch stainless . I have to use watered down battery acid to etch it .. You need a nice properly heat treated carbon steel blade .
  18. Thanks ? I'm working on the chopper animal all day tomorrow . I put the first stage pre heat treatment grind on it and it's feeling pretty good . It has immense cutting power (couldn't help my self had to hack at something ha ha )
  19. Thanks gents !! I'm almost sold out again ? a genuine thank you for trusting your hard earned money with me !! Born to hunt il make pretty much what anyone wants right now !! I'm maybe 2 weeks off getting any laser cuts here in my hands so just want to be busy earning funds until then . The hellmando and avatar knife did have very similar blade profiles your right , BUT the Bowie pattern I'm working on is similar but slightly more curvy . I might do a small Bowie and midium as the pattern allows for both . I need to go get some antler soon , I raped the suppliers for the nicest stuff
  20. Ha ha , this is positive !! I have two half made suitable for stalking , and two made (Damascus) in the misc for sale section. One of the knives I'm working on is similar to a loveless 4" drop point hunter , arguably one of the most successful and sought after knives of the last century . Of course Mine is a simplified version of the original for pricing reasons . Iv sold many stalkers knives over the years and everyone of them has ideas of what the best knife should be . I do try to design knives that I could and would use myself , if I cant I don't generally make them . For stalking
  21. thank you ,sold to a hunting life member !! i do like the knife myself , no use for it at all but i do like it . i have another 3 knives on the bench for this week , a chopper thing (its confused ) its half way between a cleaver and a machete. and a couple of regular sized hunting knives . im awaiting a quote on my new designs from the laser cutters , im hoping they dont take to long ....
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