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About midnight

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/01/1977

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  • Interests
    shooting , working dogs , falconry .

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  1. What's your problem? 5,000 post on a forum chatting shit . all you need to know is them boys where serious and you wouldn't look them In the eye and talk shit like you do on here . pipe down , go beat your mrs ir something .
  2. Good to see you back Matt!

  3. I cant remember i wasn't into the fighting shit . The lad got a decent jail stint for it in the end. .
  4. I did a litter of them 14 or more years ago from a serious jeep red boy bred dog to a hard little whippet bitch i owned . Any G on here and his lad had two of them one was a machine took a lot of game i hear but lacked killing power on big stuff , Another went to a lad in Milton keens and it was a good butch i hear . Took lots of Chinese water deer with her , the lad that owner the pit had a bitch pup as stud fee and she did a lot of foxing with terriers and at night .
  5. Anybody know of any genuine bullx whippet's. Non of this xl , stafford or am bull shite . Proper fast lane type bull to whippet ?
  6. Thanks lads Nobody trade here anymore for antibiotics, staples and stuff
  7. Help lads anybody know a good online vet suppliers?
  8. Il post up some pics when I get there.
  9. Yeah not made anything in years now . I doubt il make knives with the forge and hammer , maybe one or two .
  10. Nice ?? i just bought a power hammer
  11. It’s all very posh in her now ! I’m glad to see knife making is still strong in this section .
  12. Hello lads , I enjoyed looking at all those knives . Interesting to me to see my work change as I went along . Ive not made a knife in a few years now . And only own two of my own (what an idiot , I should have kept so many) We took on a small tenant farm in Nottinghamshire with all the room I ever needed to make knives but no tools or time ! I just wanted to thank you all for your undying support over the years , knife making was the biggest success I have attained in my adult life , and that was down to the support you guys gave me . Having you all cheer me on to the next project m
  13. Thanks fellas , the tools are sold and being collected today . I don't think the new owner has plans to make my stuff , it will just be a hobby for him .
  14. Thanks guys , who ever buys it will probably make and sell some of my patterns !?!? You can allways ask !
  15. Hi ant , I really would like to see it all go as a job lot , that way someone can makes knives spare cash or a living from it in one go . If it's not sold in a few weeks as a job lot I may have to sell it that way !!
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