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Everything posted by Lilyferret

  1. Well, when I fed dried ferret food, it was always the James Wellbeloved that I used. I thought it was one of the best ones
  2. Trust you. I hadn't even thought of that
  3. I think it might just be cat biscuits. Always remember someone on another forum saying that their ferret would only eat nuts and not touch meat. I was horrified until they explained that they meant dry ferret food
  4. They're smashing Kay. I'm in there at least once a week, so they've got to know me, and will even get things in for me that they don't normally sell
  5. The thing is as well is that not only are you supporting local independent shops that could so easily go out of business due to the supermarkets keeping their prices lower. But it's so much nicer to have a friendly face behind a counter. Take today for instance. Last week I'd asked my local butcher if they could save me 12 lambs hearts and 4 rabbits from their next delivery (they sell out fast apparently) and sure enough, when I called in there this afternoon, I got my 12 hearts. Apparently the rabbits were due in this afternoon, but didn't arrive and are coming tomorrow instead. I said i
  6. Must admit to being partial to kitchen gadgets meself. The kenwood Chef is me baby It's fab and does all the hard work for me. I have made bread using the Kenwood, and although it wasn't the best, it was certainly better than any of the 5 or 6 times I tried with the bread maker....And it was at least edible. Good luck with the scones. Made them a few times and they've been OK. The one thing that I've made recently though, that really has turned out delicious was all-butter shortbread. It's dead easy, too
  7. Well done At one time I rarely bought anything from anywhere, but the supermarket. I do still use them, but tend to shop far more from the local independent shops now. We have a smashing butcher that I buy all our (and the ferrets) meat from. Then there's a couple of small greengrocers as well. The supermarket really just provides any tins/rice/pasta mainly, as they're not so cheap at the local shops. Not that I use a lot of tinned food, but like to have a few for convenience. It's sad to see a lot of local shops disappearing. Years ago we had a fabric shop, a butcher and a wool sho
  8. thanks for the welcome, and the tip about putting my location
  9. Yes, it would be way too far for me, but thank you for saying I'd be welcome to come along
  10. Well, it might be strange to you, but not to me. I find ferrets a pleasure to have around just as other people find it pleasurable having a cat/dog around. I've never been ferreting simply because I've never had the opportunity. I live in the City and can't drive due to being visually impaired, don't know any ferreters, either. So there's no way I could go even if I wanted to. Oh, and I assume I'm in the same Country as you - the UK?
  11. Nope, she wasn't a poley. She had quite a bit of white on her. Most likely some albino in her background somewhere, but I never knew her parents as I got her off someone that had taken some eccess kits of a breeder - from working stock. Oh, and those rosettes.... Did wonder whether I should dare put that picture on here And yes, they were some that we'd won at a ferret show
  12. Sorry for laughing, but she sounds like a right little character, and is having a whale of a time down there I've never been ferreting, so can't offer any advice. Good luck with training her though
  13. That's a super set-up. Looks lovely with the flowers, too
  14. They're lovely. Obviously settling in well already
  15. She had cancer (lymphoma) and was pts in 2006 when it finally got the better of her. very sad, as she was only just over 5 years old I still have her sister though, and although she and Lily were very similar in size/length and weight, she's never looked like a greyhound type.
  16. One of my ferrets was a greyhound type just as has been described. Not sure why it's only being said that they're white, as our Lily was a mitt. She was long and very slim. Around 19 inches from nose to tail tip, and weighed around 600gms. Sadly she's no longer with us, but I do have a couple of photos that, although not great, do show her general size, and build. Although slim with not a pick of fat on her, she did have good muscle tone. I could hold under her arms and get my first finger and thumb right around her body, and still have the last notch of my finger spare - as shown in the f
  17. Oh, he sounds really dinky for a hob. All my jills have been longer than him
  18. She doesn't seem to like it very much either.
  19. We all eat them. humans and ferrets. It'd cost a fortune to courier them, as it'd have to be a next day delivery, and they'd have to have some heavy duty ice packs in there, so it'd weigh a ton
  20. If only I can't even get half a rabbit for £1 here. The cheapest I've ever got them was £2.60 each and that was a reduced price (should have been £3.00 each) because I was buying 10 at the time.
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