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Rutland Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rutland Rabbit

  1. The thought of dying truly terrifies me, but it's not so frightening if you're accomplishing your dreams. I'm a strong believer in the here and now. Don't save for a rainy day, don't plan your dream holiday for when you're retired. Do it now! If only the husband had the same view.
  2. Did you see that she poured a glass of water over Macca's lawyer??!?! What a psycho. With people like this (and I'm including Britney Spears in this rant) I wish the press would just ignore them. Not camp out on their doorstep or hang on their every word, or follow them around to McDonalds and fu*kng Starbucks like they're in some way important to our lives. These 'celebs' would have breakdowns if they sauntered out of their front door one morning to......tumble weed.
  3. HAS to be buttoned jeans. There's no contest. With Jeans.... Trainers or shoes? You know the answer...
  4. Very, very good at finding good bargains in the offie.
  5. I went backpacking around Oz for 12 months when I was 21. I went out with a bunch of friends, but after 3-4 months we all went our separate ways. I don't know anyone who has travelled with a friend, even a best friend and stayed on travelling with them. Just be prepared that you might need to 'go it alone' at some point in your travels. But christ, that's when it starts to get fun!
  6. Hi Been lurking around the site for a few weeks now, so thought I'd officially say hello. Mainly interested in Bull Breeds and their personalities, especially since purchasing my first Staffie last year. Particularly like the Training forum, picking up lots of good tips from there.
  7. Thanks GhostlyEase. Had a look on your site again and there's loads of info on there I'm sure I'll find something to go to!!
  8. Yeah, I've seen some of their pics on the training section. Nice looking dogs. As L.Fish says, he's only young and I need to be careful with his joints, so even if he's a bit too young to start doing the exercises, at least he'll be getting socialised and see what it's all about
  9. Please don't tell me you're a teacher! If so, you should know better and be ashamed of yourself.
  10. Hi Does anyone know of any terrier events around the Midlands/south of England where younger dogs can get involved in mild agility classes? (My dog is 6mths old). I want to get him involved in some sports, but without too much pressure as he's still young (oh and because I've never done it before too!!)
  11. Hi G.Ease Thanks for the advice. I took Elvis to the woods today and there's a route through it, which the army use for training purposes (logs over streams/fallen tree trunks they scale over etc). I got Elvis to jump over and through things (with the aid of some titbits!) and he loved it! He didn't hesitate for a second. Like you suggest, I'm going to get some things propped up in the garden and try him doing 'circuits'. Then hopefully get him in some agility events in the summer. I checked out your website. You've got some good looking dogs.
  12. Found this off T'internet, which might help you old: Threadworm, sometimes called a pinworm, is the most common worm parasite infestation of children in the UK. The mature female worm can be from 8mm-13mm long, and the male worm 2mm-5mm long. The worms are white, with a blunt head and a fine, hair-like, pointed tail. The male is shorter and is rarely seen as it remains within the intestine. Adult worms live for up to six weeks. The female worm lays many tiny eggs around the anus, and around the vagina and urethra (tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body)
  13. Hi Running Like your staffie pics. I'm trying to get some pics of my dog up on the site, but still struggling with photobucket at present!
  14. Hi all! Thanks for the encouragement. I've been told that he has to be about 10mnths old before he can do it, which is probably wise as he still needs a bit more obedience training. He's OK, but I fear he could be distracted by other dogs/people. He defininitely loves praise and a round of applause though!! I guess I could practise getting him used to the concept of running through/over things in the meantime, using stuff around the garden. Any tips on how to get him 'in the agility mode????'
  15. yeah, he is pretty obedient. He's 6mnths old and I've been told he's suitable for obedience at 10mnths, so we'll see..!!
  16. Hi I have just finished taking my pup to training classes, where we learnt all the basics, but also how to get your dog to respect you and come when called. The rope pull toy has worked a treat. You get the dog to play tug of war with you for no longer than 2 minutes at a time - then you put it away out of sight - just when he's getting into it. Don't let the dog get bored with the game, or leave the rope with him. Believe me, before long everytime the dog then sees the rope, you have his immediate attention. However, that's with just one dog, it might be a bit more tricky with two!
  17. Hi I've got a 6mnth old staff who I'm thinking of putting in for agility training. He's a quick learner and eager to please, so thought he might enjoy it. Has anyone ever tried it and how did they get on?
  18. Hello Wood Smoke, I think one of the really common old sayings is about beetles - if you stand on one it rains for 40 days. Or that might be spiders, I can't remember now. I've never heard the one about the Jackdaw before - you'd need a steady hand.
  19. Hi Kay Er, where is photobucket, is that on the site? sorry, i'm a technophobe!!
  20. Hi I have some digital photos I wanted to use on the site, but it keeps saying they're too big. They're just normal digital pics though. Any ideas on how I can reduce the size (the camera help book doesn't help). Thanks
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