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Everything posted by budharley

  1. Thats it aaron well in son get stuck into that Socks he,s a nasty bit of work......Hotmeat sounds alright leave him out but dont let Socks off the hook ........dont hurt him too bad though he,s already hurting.......he,s Welsh remember ! And I was banking on you as my wingman incase one of the track suite massive jumped in to proper duff me up ... I have seen your true colours now ... You london boys are all talk and when it comes to it you turn coat and side with the nasty bully ... I am sticking to valley boys as back up from now on they are proper ard as fukc lads .......... track s
  2. when I was a teenager about 15 -16 I had a female harris who was my pride and joy , my dad had converted his shed into a large mews capable of housing numerous birds we had 2 female harris and my dads imprint sparrowhawk . My dad put his sparrowhawk away in the mews after weathering then told me to put my harris away I went in and being lazy tied her to the perch next to the sparrowhawk the harris where kept round the corner out of view of the other birds . not only had I tied her to the perch but I had tied her with a long leash something that my dad had told me never to do, the next day I w
  3. ffs you've got to love the hunting life , my missus says a hunting site cant be that funny as im pissing myself at the laptop
  4. cracking little dog that mate shes a credit to ya
  5. fair doos mate not saying it didn't happen but you get some stories on here
  6. did there phone have night vision
  7. there not mine yeah it would help if they had cleaned them must be a typo on the name
  8. ill update when we go out, just a couple of trips out for this season his legs get sore
  9. are the rabbits to quik for your standard greyhound micro this is what you need complete with huge shit pile http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/109630896/2-male-ferrari-and-huch.html
  10. cracking pics mate cant beat a bit of woodpigeon
  11. cheers lads , Jonah I did ferret mate gave all my stuff to a local lad just kept a couple of ferrets back I just didn't have the time , you see going to work for me is like a break he can be hard work at times so when I finished it was all about helping my missis out so hunting and stuff was a rare treat until now ill just take him with me . ferreting is something I think he will really enjoy I can see him jumping on them netted rabbits , I can see some funny vidoes being posted of us soon
  12. My young son tig has been showing signs of late that he has taken after me and my dad and has got the hunting blood . tig has had a tough four years of life through illness , I have noticed that he enjoys being outside, loves playing with the chickens and the animals and is always at my side at the ferret hutch. My brother and sister and my eldest lad have no interest whatsoever in hunting or the outdoors its just been me and my dad up until now . Last week my dad gave me a call to say he had watched two squirrels making there way down a hedge side at last light to a dray in a kestrel box he
  13. Hi I have some old (non hunting related) footage on an old sony camcorder cassete I would like to get put onto dvd is it possible ??
  14. why do you always get some one start to turn these threads into shit
  15. and biting too ;-) lol yeah that's true theres a fella constantly selling them from round me and his ad says they do nip as there workers not pets
  16. Oh ffs why don't you give an explanaition mtr as to why it is hard would that not be better than all the "your all better placed than me crap" obviously not
  17. now you mention a robin you have got me thinking but im sure I can see some black flecks on its wings mate on yours in the first pic and the same on petes
  18. it tried to fly off but was stuck to the shit on your fingers only messin mate I love dunnocks real characters of the hedgerow
  19. why do you "professional" mole catchers get mad when other people catch moles all I ever see you do on here is cry when others do it, is there a problem he does it for beer money ? I do domestic and commercial grounds maintenance for a living does it bother me that ricky next door but 1 goes out after work does a garden or two for money at weekend, not one bit. they aint your fukin moles like they aint my fukin gardens .
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