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Everything posted by budharley

  1. He broke the law and caught goshawks are not buzzards I agree some bop need controlling but goshawks are hardly in pest proportions , but to sentence a man to jail time for a first offence of that is ridiculous , I don't know if this conviction on his record will stop other employers employing him in the industry he's in ,if so I think that and a fine would of been punishment enough for the man .
  2. Jd sorry a bit off topic but what's the use for the huge molehill , I was walking the dog this afternoon in a field that has had no moles, in it was a cluster of molehills next to these was a huge mole hill probably four of five times the size of normal hill .
  3. budharley


    Go and see the girl in question and talk to her stop burying your head in the sand like a fanny you had no problems while slipping her a length . If there is a possibility get the DNA test done all the while you are waiting for the results try and ease the tension between you talk to her tell her how you will be there for the kid with her tell her you will pay out of csa it's better for her she will see more of the money .when your results come back if you are just pay your agreed amount straight into her bank each month , believe me mate I've done it for the last 12 years for my eldest lad .
  4. Get out and let us know what you think mate
  5. I'm interested in one of these sounds just the ticket for me , I'll also donate a fiver to get one to pass around if any lads up to it
  6. Enough to live ,feed yourself and a little bit left over for essentials . I don't know how much a gamekeeper gets paid it's not a profession that's ever interested me ,I want to work hard and have time to enjoy what I've earned but full respect to you lads that work that hard for very little .
  7. We had six big aviary when I was a kid and one was solely for love birds more nest boxes than pairs ,good strong wire doubled as they chew the frame to bits and plenty of branches to strip.they strip the willow carry it to there boxes in there rump area .
  8. We had six big aviary when I was a kid and one was solely for love birds more nest boxes than pairs ,good strong wire doubled as they chew the frame to bits and plenty of branches to strip.
  9. My dad bred these for years .what I remember mate they where fine altogether . Make sure the cage is good and strong and give them plenty of willow to chew .
  10. Spot on seems its a small vixen a friend havin a walk with his gun seen it the other morning , it spotted him went through a gap in a chainlink fence you wouldn't of thought it would get through it's that small but he assures me that's where it went .
  11. I wonder what are usual Islam/Muslim sympathisers have got to say .
  12. the farmer is allowed to let one person shoot control vermin for him if you have written permission to shoot and oly you and only vermin you still have your permission mate
  13. Sparrow hawk on that evidence ,lucky bird
  14. Could be a good call that, I ll try get a better pic tomorrow! Looks like it mate
  15. For the last few years I've just stayed in ,a couple of knife incidents and a lad up road getting stabbed to death I thought fuk it and more because I'm not the type to walk away. This year me and missus packed up caravan and headed over to a caravan park for kids to enjoy , that was no better we lasted 10 minutes at the New Year's Eve party half the town chavs had turned up to the park so we fecked off back to caravan . It seems they had sold tickets for the party and it's the local annual pissup local people had brought huge buffets and had about ten tables each. i said to missus it's going
  16. Reet we get the picture the lad quit his job , I don't see what your big fekin problem is fella he's 18 he maybe won't get another chance that's his problem , how old are you ?
  17. I want to add some American spring traps to my collection after Xmas , can any of you chaps advise me on importing some traps from America . What's a good place to purchase these.
  18. I need to get a new one I gt a ltl acorn but it stopped working
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