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Everything posted by budharley

  1. That could possibly be true today ,but here's a little story . Growing up my dad was best friends with race horse owner and multi millionaire Trevor Hemings daughter . When I was a kid my dad was gifted the use of 70acres of land for nothing by Mr Hemings at the other side of this land Mr Hemings owned a farm house and barns with about the same amount of land 70 - 100 acres . The farmer on this land was a friend of his who lost all he had he was also gifted this farm to use .now apparently after twelve years he claimed this farm and got it I'm not sure if it's true but his family are still the
  2. Cracker mate hope it works well for you
  3. I remember asking at the time doing my pa1-6 spraying course that and was told the certificates where mine because I sat the course .
  4. No it's not to late fella also I'm pretty sure if you have taken the course then the Certs are yours , I've done a lot of courses and got all my Certs . Did you sign any paperwork about the Certs .
  5. I had it done , I was back at work in three weeks ,I was just stood at a work bench though . I wouldn't try and rush anything last thing you want is it re rupturing .
  6. Wow, great pics Kay , that is a fine animal .
  7. Ahhh took me a while I won't spoil it
  8. 5"8 10st 10 At 21 I was 13 stone then I realised I was a lazy f**k .
  9. Lol I can remember me and my mate as kids up a tree with no tops on when the branch snapped, my mate landed in a huge nettle bed lmao . I can still vision him going ooooowwwwww mummy mummy mummy ?
  10. You went hospital you soft Cnut , blame it on your mum Al you want mushy
  11. Love the lakes , top pics mate
  12. Great photos ,I do like a nice whippet .
  13. I've emailed them three times still no response the screws have a anti tamper on them so I can't open it up to have a look .
  14. Hi joris welcome to the forum mate hope you enjoy it .
  15. Ye my brother always texts like that because his missus makes him put one on end of every text lol just saying like
  16. I agree with you Neil 100% but not everyone is of the same mind set , if the law won't help him and he's not the sort that would do what he's got to do ,it's still not right that some scummy twat has taken his dog .I can't help but sympathise with anyone that has their dog taken .
  17. Of course he deserves sympathy , not everyone cut out to go charging in a site trying to take thier dogs back . Wasn't it brookies mate that tried it and almost lost an arm or something to a machete ( sorry if I got that wrong ) . What's the next one if you don't have the balls to charge in a traveller site you shouldn't be aloud to keep dogs.
  18. Mine totally shut off last night fully charged green light still on but no beam I've only used it a couple of times first time I took the pup out last night and this happens ,no spare lamp either .
  19. I'm not on fb but that fish is a cracker he should be very proud of himself ,I was expecting to see him with a two pound crucian or something . Well done young man ?
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