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About PaulABF

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    The outdoors. Military. Cooking and watching anything with Hugh F-W in it.
  1. Trooperman there's a genuine ex 42Cdo guy who's been directed to this thread. He lives in Brampton so only a couple of clicks from you.He's willing to meet up with you and if you're gen he'll stick a donation in the H4H tin.
  2. Trooperman-you've a bright future as a fiction writer! If you're going to try and pass yourself off as an ex bootie, at least try and do some research on real RM units. "22nd Batt"? This thread is about a real bona fide hero. Don't sully it with your lies. You Walterm itty.
  3. Did you forget what you'd been nicked for in the past?
  4. Hello mate and welcome. If you're after some clay busting try the clay ground at Dinnington village, near Newcastle airport.
  5. I'm a serving soldier and I must admit, sapper's post doesn't quite ring true, unless he's a crow trying to big it up which isn't that unusual. Point I'd like to make is that I've used most weapons in the British army from SLR to HK's and I don't know what grain round any of them use. What I do know is that I'm extremely proficient at using weapons and have fired 100's of thousands of rounds down the range and more recently against human beings. Just because someone doesn't know every single microscopic fact about a weapon or it's ammunition system doesn't necessarily mean they don't know
  6. Just tried the link. Brings up clear pigeon but won't allow you to put them in basket and complete transaction. Tried doing it through main menu but doesn't seem to be any cartidges for sale on entire site! Very strange.
  7. The youngest you can be to legally die for your country is 18 these days. When I first joined it was 17 so some things are getting better. Hard work? Extremely. Temperatures out there in the summer routinely touch 50 degrees celcius and it doesn't help that the everyone and his grandad wants a pop at you. But, we all choose our jobs and in this current climate, the young 'uns know exactly what they're letting themselves in for. Never mind pigeons - man is the greatest quarry of all! Especially Mr Terry Taliban - they're not the dumb-witted tribesmen that the media make them out to be.
  8. Yup I watched it. Find it addictive. Give Ross his dues, he's the only 'luvvie' to put his life on the line and see what we do for a living first hand. Agree with what you say about the young lads wages but once they go up the promotion ladder their pay starts rising. I'm coming to the end of my career now and I'm going to be hard pushed to find an equivalent wage in civvy street.
  9. Even ing guys. New to the forum and site. Thought I'd say hello. Paul
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