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Everything posted by tomdogz

  1. got any pictures of the spinners mate?? pretty interested
  2. are these postable, and how much are you looking for?
  3. have you got any pics of the scope??
  4. put a mesh divide in the run, keep them apart
  5. some of those are brutal, specially the broken legs and face smashes, didnt like them.... although it was funny :clapper:
  6. When i first saw the advert, i thought it was a National Front advertisment. Should be good and wind up the PC Brigade Tom
  7. no, i need it for 10 Tors, although when the bomb drops, you are all welcome in my fallout shelter eg. the garage
  8. Website Link This website had lots of boots which may suit. Very good quality, and good service.
  9. might try that, thanks coney tom
  10. thanks, but i have a couple of pot noodles stowed away
  11. Hi, i'm new here, and was wondering if anyone can help... I am in need of a few British Army Ration Packs, but cannot afford £10 a pack + £5 postage. Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap ration packs?? Many Thanks, Tom
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