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Everything posted by lewismac1

  1. It depend's what job you are going to be doing. If it's alway's going to be pickng up then you could mabey look at buying a Lab? Springer's are a bit of a handfull for a first time trainer...
  2. Dont tar eveyone with the same brush..
  3. Couple nice headshot's with my old gun.
  4. How can you blame bad breeding? The problem with the breed imo is that in this day and age people dont know how to train or be dominant. people that say "it's sad'' to clip the back end of a dog, and let them stay on the couch and allow the dog to totally own the owner is the problem, especially when you throw in a staffy with a fighting background. It was in the new's a few week's back- A staffy take's the face off a 3 month old baby that was left alone without an adult being there is totally insane I mean i wouldnt even trust Anydog alone with a child let alone a staffy . It'
  5. The gundog woking test display got cancelled But the flyball was good though The scottish got to the final
  6. Why does all the post's on this forum say [bANNED TEXT] all the time ? Or is it just me
  7. Nice first impression Go knocking on door's and asking farmer's if they need a hand.
  8. Lovley dog's mate. Good luck with them
  9. jees you had a bit of a journey then? Bascially just do a lot of play retreive's with her and ingrain bringing thing's back to you. Dont rush her, And never compare her training to anyone else's dog you know. Ooo and make everything you do with her fun and game's. Best of luck with her. You have a pm btw
  10. Was accupell's for 6 year's then they became impossible to get. So it's Bismag's all the way now,
  11. Now there's a proper dog Love the deep colour of him, What line's is he from?
  12. Ok how bad is the duck? Some time's the shock and damage a fox does to a duck, the best thing is to wring it's neck. Just wondering, If you dont want to kill the fox then why are you going to snare it if it come's back? What are you going to do with it once snared?
  13. What type of dog are you thinking about getting for training?
  14. My hair's up on the pic of my passport
  15. Sorry to hear that. My condolence's.
  16. I think putting some sort of license on airgun's is a good thing, But i think if they do they should not put a limit to what ftps the rifle is set. It would be good because it would stop all the little "Hardcore Ned's" keeping air rifle's and using them illegally to make themself's look "Aarrd" But aas i say if they do put a license on air gun's the power should be set by You
  17. That second pic look's like a stealth with a diver's bottle on the end
  18. lewismac1


    Seen 5 HUGE skein of them over the past two day's
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