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Everything posted by lewismac1

  1. Just cant beat a good bitching match, on something that no one give's a toss about.
  2. He's not saying that at all? What i think he was meaning that it would be far more humain to shoot a hare stress free and instantly, Than the meat getting bruised and stressed by a course . I dont get what everyone is so timid that anti's could be somehow "stalking us". Im against some fieldsport's does that make me an anti??
  3. Let the pup be a pup. 13 week's is way to young to start training. Do as said above, buy a good book or dvd. David Lisset's spaniel training dvd's are great
  4. Phantom, I had a real nightmare with mine, I bought it new . First thing was the power it varied after everyshot, which ment the pellet hitting high whenever it felt like it. after getting that sorted, The safety went. Which was very annoying when you were camped up 10 yard's from a bunny Then i had a problem with it not holding it's charge. I Was happy to get rid of it to be honest.
  5. S200 is by far the better gun, I have had the Ags and it is an accurate but completley unreliable gun- Dont buy it.
  6. Here <<< they have to be taking the piss here... trust the yank's
  7. Blue whale, Because i would have the biggest.. in the world, And casually stroll about the ocean. That would be the life.
  8. Used everygun in the book The place up there was poluted with crows and rook's
  9. I will bet you £40 this will end up in a bitching match Personally i dont see the point but that's just me.
  10. Was out the other day crow bashing, Ended up not shy off 160 Cheer's
  11. Train all the dog's , Fly fishing, Plumbing apprenticeship, shoot management, on and on ...
  12. WHAT...... No Poll? Something wrong with you today Arron? :11: 6-9 inch is a perfect height
  13. There's been a few One of the best was with one of my lab bitch's, we were on a walked up moor for woodcock. Sure enough a woodcock got up but was behind the line, and crossed over and went away from us. It took 2 shot's from a 12 and you could of filled a pillow with the amount of feather's out the poor thing Anyhoo everyone watched as the bird flew further away and struggled in the air, and eventually the head dipped and it died in the air, a some 300 odd yard's away because all the other dog's were springer's i had to send my lab. sent her out with two back's she was on the sc
  14. Proper "hardcore". That has got to do with shooting hare's how?.
  15. Very nice marking's by the look of her. What age is she ?
  16. Got a new Slr today so i was farting about trying to get used to it. tried it out on some of the dog's, what you think? Last one
  17. Best idea is take her to the clay pigeon's. make sure the place is well booked. Then take her out the car and walk her far off to start and gradually get closer untill you are standing behind the gun's. Remember if you are moving forward and she show's sign's that she is becoming nervous, move back a few feet. Cheer's
  18. A license on airgun's could be a good thing... :thumbs-up:
  19. Buy a kawisaki or a Honda and you wont go wrong
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