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Everything posted by celticwar

  1. forgot to say i chrono the shots i took lowest fps was 613 . highest was 618 . if my math is ok it works out at 11.6 ftlbs through my s10 exterminators were 564 fps = 11.3 but then started to drop so i no im out of air ... cant wait to get filled up see what these are really like hit the target so load bet they down oat lol my jsb pellets fly at 562 = 11.2 ftlb i will take some better picks to .. steve
  2. well i tested defiants today windy cold ... my rifles zero is 30yards with jsb pellets . i put 5 shots of defiants through my s10 then did 10 shots at 35 yards cross hairs staying on bull think the couple of out of groups was me shivering in wind cold or it was due to not cleaning barrel first but rest after them were all in same place ... reason i aimed for bull was to give me a target to aim for every shot .. so i didnt get lost on a blank peice of paper .. i then started testing exterminator pellets there the same as logun penetrators 16 grains . but i was running out of a
  3. ive never thought about a bird of prey picking up dead rabbit if i left it . didnt think most of them would eat dead stuff but buzzards think do i left a rabbit a while back before i got to car it swooped down grabed it .. before the crows got it ... i only ever leave them if its night time for the rats - foxs ... i try to shoot my kills in the head dont think much trys eating the brains .. i no crows like the eyes ....guts ect
  4. got him in back of the ear jumped out about 25 yards away his buddy was of as soon as i lifted the rifle but he just stayed stuck with fear then he turned to run so let loose bit of lead .. got him sat infront of his hole
  5. bin out last couple days had ferial , rabbit , few rats not alot rabbits about this time of year
  6. rabbits , rats , ferial pigeons , wood pigeons , rooks , jakdaws i shoot every dinner on my break and every weekend , in summer i go dinner and after work , and at weekend . some times use nearly tin pellets a month . 500 . but dont do that much at moment due to my pump broke so fitting new seals .. trying to talk wife into letting me get a dive bottle .. might have to do some private mechanic jobs to get one .. so £££ + i eat the rabbits ,woodys , not tryed tree rat yet
  7. nice going mate . good read great picks well done
  8. happy christmas every one im glad i joined this great forum .. + met some top members have a good one every one
  9. well done mate keep at them like that there will be none left lol
  10. heres results at 50 yards with them
  11. clean , made perfect , fly faster any one tryed them ... or wants to try them http://www.defiantpellets.co.uk/reviews.htm
  12. try some defiants my s10 loves them second pellet it likes is bisley long range golds
  13. need help just want to make sure im stripping it down ok can any one help its a rws pump gun shop says same as mk1 fx pump got the new seals but dont want to break it lol
  14. i use breakfree oil great stuff attachment=61536:breakfree.jpg][
  15. if any one lives near lincoln the lincs hft club at waddington is great club .. http://lincs-hft-club.co.uk/forum/index.php? any body else no good clubs
  16. and if you go to heavy you will have to aim for the sky to hit oat lol are you using .177 or 22
  17. well if ya got lots money want lots shots id go with one that has the buddy bottle . theoben brand . bsa superten blueprinted by jb himself + he gives warranty on the work he does .+ finds best pellet for you .. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XwG8eySp-Hc hw 100 new bsa r10 bsa say there making a fac should be on sale just before xmass
  18. http://opticswarehouse.co.uk/categories.asp?cat=58
  19. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...NYD:en%26sa%3DN
  20. http://www.cookitsimply.com/category-0020-030i2.html
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