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Everything posted by celticwar

  1. its funny test many pointed pellets when i was a young boy never found any that were good .round head always better in 22 dont no with 177
  2. sounds like im on two guns again bsa super 10 and s410 might go fac in future any body no how many shots you get with bsa ???in fac and normal for both guns is bsa any good any more now gamo own them ??
  3. got chating to nice bloke whos buying my webley mk 3 and he was saying he struggled using bolt action on his s410 now he has got a bsa super 10 ???????? any body else think that ?
  4. ive seen a few mixy rabbits at the side of the road not bin out yet this year shooting im in lincolnshire seen few black rabbits and white where i normally shoot though been scouting ready for when i get my new gun
  5. a guy has said he will buy my webley mk3 and wants me to post it is it legall ???????????
  6. bin thinking and thought why not get bottle ask them at shop when buying rifle to fill it then top up after every shoot ... dont let it drop below 100bar if its 410 . that way ya not pumping all night + its free wants ya got it . me i would have to travel miles miles to get a bottle filled ......
  7. just wanted to no if any one had heard about checking the liver for spots .like my old grandad said if there white spots its got mixy . he said yoou could eat it if it had white spots but he would not ... i didnt mean shoot a mixy rabbit eat it
  8. so if i take alook at a falcon which would you buy ???? i like the fn 19 thumhole stock but which one ?? how many shots do they give standard ????? + in fac as well how many ?????
  9. every one i find i put it out its misery ,then chuck on the fire on the farm to make sure i get rid of it nasty it is . they shud just pay us air gunners to do it goverment contracts lol good idea 50p rabbit or some thing ????????????
  10. air gunner mag page 15 place called . ch weston gunsmiths . 12ltr 300 bar bottle £209 with gauges cheapest so far i to am looking at buying bottles . i thought pump but after talking to the guys i am going for a bottle i think ....
  11. found a place in mag air gunner page 15. c h weston gunsmith . 12 litre bottle 300 bar with gauges £209 hope it helps some one
  12. do you no any sites on falcons deker ???? i remember years ago all the mag hunters had them want info on them ? are they any good ???? may be better than s410 ? think im hooked on air arms but allways liked falcon when i was a young boy ,you jogged my memory
  13. so £££££££££££££ for rapids + ive heard problems with them now there using differrent barrels not so good + sum leaks so think my mind still made up air arms mind you i like dekers falcon looks like a death tool, does that but again prob out my price range im selling every thing i own nearly , my webley mk3 , psp 9 games speaker dock ect ,fiat car covers ,samsung sgh i300 phone its got 3gig runs windows media it is a great phone , just to help soften the blow when i tell the wife how much ,she said i can have one but dont no how much
  14. i dont gut mixys but if it looks ok doesnt mean it has not got it thats why its best to check liver . like you say no one has ever suffered from it but id sooner not eat it .
  15. i was told many years ago bye my grandad when he was showing me how to prepare my first rabbit i shot with my webley mk3 that when preparing look at the liver ,if it has white spots it has mixy if its ok clean from spots ya can eat it . now ive been eating many rabbits many years and followed this rule and not come across that many .he said some people still eat them but he didnt so i have not to . any body else heard this if not check see for your self
  16. well im just a hunter .cant sit there just hitting targets. but i may want to go f.a.c in future got my land got a mate owns a farm loads of land .. so you say classic not carbine ??im going to get a kit from a shop for now then just improve as i go . once i had a bsa lighting put a vermint tactical on it was that big i could only just break barrel load it ,it was a great combo made that my self blimey it was like the rabbits were in arms lengh hit every thing i aimed at . well almost
  17. whats it like ???? i did have it on my list at first ..
  18. dont forget its cleaner using a bottle to fill no dust or water getting in ... in air gunner place called deepblue page 82 3ltr bottle kit £139 not bad prices on other sizes ... + the page even tells you how many fills you will get it says a 7ltr 300bar says 28 fills
  19. why go springer go single shot pcp silent ive had a bsa lighting nice weight nice to shoot ,but still loud even with silencer ..... had rabbits crows rooks jackdaws pidgeon tree rats + a very bad pheasant it kept pecking my car on the farm so it had to go .
  20. thanks for the help guys you have strenghened my ideas of getting air arms .... so most of you think classic long barrel few say carbine 1 said tdr so its down to carbine or classic can any body say they have fired both ???? can any 1 tell me there experience with the two rifles?? is there any probs with them ????some other makes suffer from seals ect
  21. Bottles as used for Air rifles must have a test every 5 Years. (Diving bottles used for diving have to be checked more frequently, 3 or 4 years I think). Price will be different for different sizes and depending where you take it. My 12L 232bar was tested about 18 months ago and cost about £28. so not bad then 28 + every 5 years .
  22. how much is it to get bottles tested ?????? how long is it before they need test
  23. well done mate nice shot
  24. right . im dumb when it comes to pcp ... so how long will a 3ltr 300bar bottle last ???????? thanks for the advise guys
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