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Everything posted by celticwar

  1. any body got any good picks showing what scope outfit you got give me idea what a nice long scope will look like on s410 . what is most power full scope to go for with the 12ftp rifle ?
  2. thanks guys i might go fac one day . and i need a rifle out fit which is going to last many years to come ,due to wife she holds them perce strings tight the b.... lol the out fit is 565 for beach stock add £50 for walnut .they put a hawk 4-12x40 fast focus on there worth £50 but will let me upgrade so only need to add another 60 or 70 get good scope .
  3. im putting my own kit together looking for cheep place for gun . but for gun walnut stock ,silencer , scope thinking of 600 mark . or is this impossible any body no any cheep places im getting scope when i decide from optics ware house ...????
  4. im getting the s410 walnut .need help with scopes . i had many years ago a bsa lighting with a hawk warmint scope , i remember i could only just cock the gun ..lol now im getting a s410 would a varmint scope be ok ????? what do you guys think please let me no
  5. whats on your list so far ????????????????????????? :icon_
  6. thanks i will look into it
  7. my first idea was get pump then top up after every shoot ..clean gun ect ... any body no any really good cheap places for bottles ???? or how much were talking pumps are 96 pound
  8. any body no any cheep places ????
  9. i live 25 miles to nearest place to fill a bottle ..found a fx pump fromjs ramsbottom .some bloke called fredrick axelson designed it with gauge hose 2 filters 96 pound ... any good ??????????? i no bottle would be better just filling .i prob could cope with the 25 miles but where do you find them cheap ???
  10. whats the best pump cheap if poss for pumping s410 up .. theres so many diff ones on the net + in the mags help please ??????????????? + where to buy
  11. i live in the grantham area lincolnshire any body no of any clubs , ranges ?????i want to join 1
  12. field mouse little buggers catch one by hand take them out side he back indoors next day lol
  13. thanks for the story of mixy i always was told it was man made .... found that intresting cheers dude
  14. true story .when i was old enough to walk run throw i visited my grandad who had rabbits id never seen rabbits up close before .... now my grandad and my dad remember what i did as a kid i do a little ... i put my fingers in the cage and a rabbit bit me then my relative tried whos same age it bit him so we killed them all with our bare hands +help from a garage so all 16 rabbits died ,my grandad went nuts my dad nearly killed me .. so ive hated the fluffy cute bunnies all my life die bunny die . true story cross my heart
  15. so £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ for rapid word on the web is there not as good as they were ?
  16. if i keep toping my gun up every time ive been hunting ,it wont be so hard will it pumping with stirup pump ???
  17. ive spoke to a few people now and its going to be a carbine im going for ... just that little bit easier at getting through the trees ect and for out the landrover on the farm thanks for the help guys that many of you rate air arms they must be good .....
  18. i thought they banned the use of mixy years ago ???????? if not we should ban it ...
  19. well ive just sold my webley mk3 and the bloke tells me he always uses royal mail £10 postage let ya no when i get the money im sending the gun
  20. if every one trys stops new release of mixy surely the farmers will have problems with rabbits ..but will need more of us silent air gun hunters to help them any one no oat about this new release ....... mixy horible death
  21. who owns up to ever being stared out bye a rabbit ?? you get it in your sights it looks at you ,stares at you like reading your soul , do you shoot ? its gone to late its ran away .??? the stare ccome on own up some new shooters might not of seen it yet ??
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