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Everything posted by celticwar

  1. ive tryed the exterminators same as penetrators made by the same bloke that makes defiants , but they were not very good through my s10bbk so im sticking to the defiants
  2. i no years ago when i was a young lad bsa used to sell the superten in realtree i thought they were abit more than the standard model .. they doo look great , very nice mate , def a keeper
  3. airarms are nice rifles mate but as above you need to try a few i had 4 on my list for a first pcp but tryed them and ended up with a gun that i wanted as a kid , bsa superten i just like the bolt down the side and it felt so right in my shoulder
  4. go for the air arms 410 big brother the s510 a better all round look to it than the 410 and performs just aswell -the loading of the 510 is a lot better been a side lever I SAY COME TO THE BSA MEET UP ON DEC 18 AND TRY THE R10 ITS AT PONTEFRACT http://bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=22400.0 that way you can try it out theres a few airarms lads coming so there might be a s410 there
  5. well i finally got up my permision today about 530pm thought i would chrono my rifle 11.6/ 11.7 with defiants .so more than enough . i then had a quick check to see if i was on zero ,yes spot on at 35yards . so every thing just how it should be time to hunt , i stalked down by some silos on the farm to the small cops and the orchard . it was now very cloudy with spots of rain i could see the odd pigeon flying of , i stalked down through the trees nothing so i edged my way round the ege of the orchard very very slowly under some low trees when i had a feeling to look up , so
  6. after another bad day i arrived at the cricket club just before dark , i settled in waited about 30mins then stalked round the club house not a sign of mr wabbit i noticed that there had been a party there sat night + they had moved a load of soil that was in the way plus housed a warren , so i bet they were lying low , any way i made my way down the side of the pitch on my belly between the cricket signs and the hedge , i moved between one to take a look and there at about 50yards was a famly of rabbits they were nearly on the good stuff , i moved even closer on my belly i got within
  7. if its very very very small hole in the barrel then its 177 lol if you have a .22 pellet it wont fit a 177 barrel .lol if you remove the stock it normally has a sticker on the reg telling you mate ..
  8. thanks guys i cant wait to get out with it ,,,. yes it looks big enough for 2 inside the sizes are on the site ,, i made the out line on the front room floor out of dvds lol before i bought one . just to be shaw it was big enough for 2. but i will test it . when i get chance .. the straps go right up to the roof for adding local bush
  9. heres my new hide new out of the box in its bag . heres the carry straps . removed from the bag built its so simple to put up pick through shoot through mesh of my back garden heres my daughter and son they could not see me that close , through the mesh windows theres ties up the corners ive not looked on there web site yet to see what there for . but will come in handy when blending in using branches ect cant wait to get out and try it out , is really well made . got mine from here http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/products.asp?cat=Real
  10. thanks mate. I've not seen steves set up.is that on his DVDs i have made the odd blind and hide in the corner of my permision I've got a great big army camo net truck cover. lol. made my own gun sock. from it. and gave alittle to rabbit Ryan to get him started. lol I normally hunt alone but am planning on having the odd mate down to shoot thought the hide would be ideal to just pull up start hunting . + you can move around abit make a cupa ect . I no it's pricey but I had the money burnning a hole in my pocket lol. if I didn't spend it the wife would lol.
  11. well went to order phoned them they no longer do it lol the company has gone that made it still a good site ... im going here now http://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/products.asp?cat=Real+Tree+Pop+Up+Hides or has any one else got a good hide they use .
  12. hi every one I've not bin on for a while due to me comp blowing up. any way was think what to buy for my hunting and thought a hide . found this great site. http://www.ultimatenaturegear.co.uk/Hides_Nets/Hub_System/Wildlife_Photographers_Camouflage_Hide_WL___1329.htm?Image%20Gallery=yes&GalImage=1228991501 looks really good. some good gear on there.
  13. celticwar


    found this. thought it was good for the wife. or kids. ect. http://portablenorthpole.tv/home/
  14. wife got me some camo for Xmas she asked what I wanted so after months of looking decided on jack pyke camo. english oak. so blends right in here in the uk  really top stuff. here's the best site I've found for camo. very good service to http://www.ecamo.co.uk/hunting-gear/hunting-clothing/hunting-clothing-1.html 3in1 jacket. hunters trousers. armour top. tshirt. mittens, game bag reviews to follow.
  15. nice shooting mate looks a nice bit of land to
  16. well done lads sounds like ya had a good trip out . dont forget post some picks thats it i need to plan a good hunting session
  17. I snipe. for. iPhone. « on: Today at 02:42:12 am » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic well I was looking on the iPhone app store when I typed in shoot. found this nice programme called I snipe. it's like chair gun.  http://iSnipe.WebDiligence.ca/ but costs loads less at £3.49p. has really good reports. so I'm going to buy it and give it a go. if it really is as good as they say . I will have it with me where ever I go. I emailed the guy that makes it here's what he said.  Hi Steve,   Thanks for you email and interest in iSnipe.  iSnipe does indeed work
  18. we are now back up and running again thanks panic now over all info on site is safe ..
  19. were having some problems so any one looking for the bsaog site + info on bsa guns go here http://zonalslim.smfforfree.com/index.php
  20. nothing wrong with a lightining mate i had one years ago , even now i wish i had not sold it it was .22 walnut stock and a vermint scope that was so big i could just load it lol i could down wabbits at 40 yards no prob with it
  21. well i got my first the other day ,, he was sat on a barn roof at 40 yards aimed dead on and got him with the s10 bbk . will try some of your tips see if i can get another ... its funny ive baited crows ect but never had a magie land ..
  22. nothing wrong with the ultras mate very nice , light good hunter ... and you can get them tench regged or t10 also very good
  23. http://bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php heres good place for info mate ultra is a very good rifle but even better regged
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