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Miss Tarka

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Everything posted by Miss Tarka

  1. Wrong........always wanted that done but would never!!!!They ones that healed quickly were surface peircings in my back and hip!!! xx
  2. Fell boy i could take that last comment two way....a genuine question about my old peircing or really dirty....im gonna go for the first on and take it as a genuine question....no they heald pretty quick...... and if your wondering how many i got its 8! And all i can say is im sorry if there are any accidental spillages but if you feel there might be move all liquid containing objects away from the keyboard...... hehehe x
  3. Yeah a few.......none too unusual though used to have really random ones!!!!! x
  4. Yeah instructions make everything easier although some blokes still think they dont need them............hehehe xx
  5. And neither do you...........hahaha, a bit off topic but how is your Bully doing on the aggression side little butch? x
  6. You may not mind sharing but i do.........what can i saw i can be greedy.........haha x
  7. Aww now im blushing ,hehehe.........take it anyway you want staffman and little butch..........tee hee x
  8. See i would take that as a compliment but i feel i need to take that picture again because it not written on my breast its written on my arse!!!!!lol xx
  9. I'll put the rest up soon gonna see if i can get them clearer...........and staffman the people that know its there take it as an order.....but thats kinda why i got it done....hehehe x
  10. I tried it with the camera further away but it still went blurry.............maybe i need a new camera............ And taking the bra off would probably work except it would be picking up French Knickers not a bra... hehe x
  11. My other Cheeky tattoo........its my 'On' button can you guess where it is......tee hee (possible the smallest of my tattoos.......! x
  12. 'HARD id say a few of the male hl members will be exactly the same once you have posted a few more, ' Stop it u'll make me blush... hehe x
  13. Cant seem to get them un-blurry so i'll post this one and see how it comes out................you'll get the general jist of it i think........ One of my 'Cheeky' ones, tee hee x
  14. Not a problem..........look forward to seeing them x
  15. Polecat...........you need to have pics saved onto your computer first....then go to Add reply (not fast reply) type what you like then to add pictures go to Attachments just below click browse choose the picture you want to upload click on it then click the Upload button...........and if the picture isn't to big hey presto theres your picture.........hope this helps Miss T xx
  16. Staffman..............you know of someon closer....?lol tee hee...right am off shopping..........pics will be up soon x
  17. Maybe...........u offering Snap Shot...... hehehe x
  18. Ok..................i promise they'll be up at somepoint today but i a...cant get un-blurry and b....they ar to big to upload.........hmmm leave it with me and watch this space... x
  19. There coming............although nect to yours mine are sooooooooooooo small and pathetic!!!lol x
  20. No......i need to see them..............how many more are there? x
  21. ....Friendly ....Flirtatious ....Cheeky xx
  22. Stop posting pitures i have to comment on...lol.....................that is done brilliantly, couldnt hav asked for a better portrait tattoo......amazing! x
  23. Ouch..............thats all i can say........but th end result is wicked!! x
  24. Ok the on the palm of your hand...i love but ouch it had to hurt!??! x
  25. Staffman two words..............Simply Awesome x
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