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Miss Tarka

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Everything posted by Miss Tarka

  1. And this one to........... http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...-la/dogs045.jpg
  2. http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...la/HPIM0069.jpg http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...la/HPIM0064.jpg http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...la/HPIM0182.jpg I took these out on a walk with the hound..........just a few of the ones i like And My friend took this for me when we went to the zoo..........i love it..... Miss T
  3. Aww bless her................shes a cracking looking little dog...... She is well ready to be stripped then.........would say bring her to our salon but we havent got any appointments for a hand strip until 3rd week in august....... Just make sure you dont get over charged....... oh and if you get stripping knives from the website i put up...the medim one is generally used on the body and the fine one on the head..... Miss T x
  4. Just thought i would add that a dog should only be hand stripped every 6mths if not longer......... These are pretty good.....we use them at work..... http://www.groomerssupplies.com/index.php?...=cat&cid=14 or these....you want the coat master 26 blade......wont take the coat hand stripped short though..... http://www.groomerssupplies.com/index.php?...=cat&cid=15 Atb Miss T x
  5. T'is me on the right.............. Best pic i can find thats not 'modely' will have a look for a better onr but for now............ Atb Miss T x
  6. Erm..........we'll see but not yet....... x
  7. I watched charlotte churchs chat show and couldnt quite believe her language.....lol, but as for her being a lil'bit chunky....she is pregnant so she has an excuse......... Atb Miss T x
  8. Beautiful looking pup in great condition.............if i had the space id have one......hope they find really good homes they are a credit to you......... Atb Miss T x
  9. My old westie(rip) locked onto my face when we first got him........got bit by a pig and a horse....and a blandford fly bit my foot that didnt hurt until about a week later and it then swelled up and made me unable to drive..........oh and a yorkie bit me at work.....was evil........lol
  10. Hey and welcome to the site...............im sure you'll find it interesting.... Atb Miss T x
  11. This is about as far as mine will go............she lies done in ponds,rivers etc to cool down...... Atb Miss T x
  12. I kind of agree with the order of the list.......i know that at work we have more nasty Yorkshire Terriers, Westies and little dogs then any other breed and as for the ESS beng higher then the Border.....it seems to be that they are breeding springers for there looks and not their temperment now-a-day, see more and more highly strung, un-trustworthy spaniels everyday.....which is sad as they are on of my favourite breeds...... But like its already been said...you cant always blame the dog 90-95% of the time its the owners.....treating them like children, putting the dog above themselves in
  13. Good luck re-homing her shes a cracking little bitch...........just out of intrest where abouts in Hampshire? atb Miss T x
  14. Not worries missie...........let us know if you go and what you think of it Miss T x
  15. Got impatient and posted it twice by accident..........sorry...... x
  16. Missie, my recommendation is a little club called the 'Funky Fish' the dj/general manager is a friend of mine and i can honestly say that it is amazing......ive been there loads and have aways had a good night out..........the link below should take you to there home page so you can see what the clubs about......let us know where you decide to go...... http://www.funkyfishclub.co.uk/index2.htm Miss T x
  17. Missie, my recommendation is a little club called the 'Funky Fish' the dj/general manager is a friend of mine and i can honestly say that it is amazing......ive been there loads and have aways had a good night out..........the link below should take you to there home page so you can see what the clubs about......let us know where you decide to go...... http://www.funkyfishclub.co.uk/index2.htm Miss T x
  18. Nights in are good.......get the girls round....dvds, food, drink (for them)and a good girly gossip........makes a nice change from the hustle and bustle of nights out....but generally prefr nights out with the right people.............having a good ol'dance and meeting new people can't beat it plus its cheap for me as i dont drink so can't really complain.......hehe Missie you said you were heading to Brighton......where you gonna go club wise??? atb Miss T x
  19. The only decent picture i have s too big to upload so heres the link to it...... http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li.../Laura_037a.jpg T'is me Miss T x
  20. Hi and :welcomeani: Miss T x
  21. http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...-la/dogs019.jpg http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...-la/dogs034.jpg http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn30/li...-la/dogs020.jpg This is my sisters Saluki x Miss T
  22. ok so the link doesn't work but there is moochershunting.com atb Miss T
  23. You certainly do make the best of what you've got........it doesn't hinder her but maybe thats because i dont work her fully.....she was worked pretty hard before i got her at 2yrs old and it didnt seem to trouble her then......she does me proud anyway and i guess thats all that matters..... but i suppose only time will tell if its to trouble her in the future.... Thanks for reply Miss T x
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